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Everything posted by TavishThomas

  1. can confirm I just experienced this bug too. didn't happen the first time, but it did the second time. kind of a bummer because I wanted to set up a legit mining operation on minmus to fuel my city sized colony ship on it's historic voyage out of the system using nothing but moon dust(fuel).
  2. it's never stated, but it's likely that the ship itself was built into the asteroid of the same name https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/579_Sidonia
  3. you get over the 3d in 2 or 3 episodes. honestly they did it really well compared to previous attempts, enough to give me hope that 3d anime can indeed be done right. also the plot is fairly great, as well as the author's attention to physics and how stuff actually works in space(aside from a few plot necessary loopholes)
  4. agreed on the ksc comms center. alternatively for career mode you could extend the comms range with each building upgrade.
  5. does this work in .9? sorry if this has already been answered but searching via mobile is killing me.
  6. wait, you have a flying roid in your sig, but you can't pull off spaceplanes? just start simple and keep CoL behind CoM
  7. rain seems fairly easy to implement actually. all it really needs to do is hijack the gravity code and apply x amount of force in whatever direction the wind is headed+downwards. then the visuals could just be an overlay of rain effects and grayness at this stage of development. mind you I'm just talking out of my bum to hopefully spitball some ideas.
  8. it's working great now. this really needs to be made stock after some refinement. also, you totally helped me land my spaceplane even after it lost half of it's control surfaces, so kudos to you. (yes I know, I'm mechjeb trash, but I'm a glutton for day long burns)
  9. looking forward to seeing how this develops. hopefully the devs change their mind on new solar systems and can integrate a non warp system so I recreate some concept craft for extrasolar exploration.
  10. that's great news. having a gimped career mode is driving me insane.
  11. so since I've never taken an actual look at the code, does that qualify me as a clean room re-implementation option? sadly I've no idea on how to code, but if somebody sent me an elaborate cipher and some code fragments...
  12. actually... http://copyright.gov/circs/circ31.pdf the thing about law is that there are no practical absolutes.
  13. but the issue we're debating at the moment has to do with "is there any other way to do it," and if not, does his copyright then become invalid due to practical concerns and because that's how copyrights actually work.
  14. I was questioning that as well yankee. somebody should just go ahead and attempt to make a replacement for a week, and if it can't be done, then just make a derivative and cite that. they'd technically be in the clear even if all these licenses are just an in-community thing that don't hold water legally. that and this is really messing up my interstellar save. it basically did over 20,000 science for me by destroying the node system and reactor upgrades.
  15. it's not my most efficient or best design, but it has a lot of flexibility for the tech tree level it's at. it has a fully functional scansat satellite that has enough DV in most orbits both re-rendezvous with the ship and establish it's own optimal orbit. the ship is remote tech capable as well and functions as a mobile command center for a disposable rover that's currently equipped for a Duna mission. it also has the range to access kerbin so it's crew of 10 doesn't get too bored playing card games during the transfers. it also has a full surplus of TAC life support so if any accidents occur there is enough time to send out a refitting barge for repairs and enough supplies to get them home for a full refit. but yeah, ultra long burns because I'm a sucker for the realism it lends it and about 6,000 DV before refueling either at the motherworld or at my minmus mining station/research vessel. I'm gonna retrofit it later to be a tug vessel so I can let it burn on full throttle. also I'm using mechjeb for the autopilot functions for the long burns because the previous propulsion block had some 30 hour burns. named the Duna express as homage to scott manley. He just has a really fun channel to tune into while I do work.
  16. I think another huge point to make here is how small they're aiming to make it. a working net gain fusion reactor in space could be revolutionary in terms of spacecraft capabilities.
  17. do you think you could make an aerodynaic radome-esque part for long range SSTO craft? storing the solar system wide antennae in a cargo bay is prone to breakage and seems like a waste of another probe sat launch spot.
  18. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/15/us-lockheed-fusion-idUSKCN0I41EM20141015 this is pretty big news if it turns into anything real over the next decade.
  19. hey roverdude, need any help with concept art? I'm a full time design student, but if I have extra time I wouldn't mind some practice with photobashing/sketching some concepts out.
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