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Everything posted by southernrock
[0.90] Working Multiple Star Systems(WITH PLANETS!)
southernrock replied to Duracelle's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Its really weird though... Say with KW and MechJeb, It was crashing really badly, but then reloading the game a few times, it finally clicked.... I dunno what to tell you other than I have had a ton of issues with this mod playing with others. Wish I could help more with problem solving but these types of issues are really hard to narrow down. -
[0.90] Working Multiple Star Systems(WITH PLANETS!)
southernrock replied to Duracelle's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Im having a ton of issues with conflicts of other mods. Im running windows 8.1. I can get planet factory to work, but at the cost of not being able to use a lot of other mods. Using CKAN mod manager or even installing mods manually, this mod breaks the game on certain mods. As of now, when I install Mech Jeb, KW rocketry to name a few, the game breaks. I installed this mod first, then loaded up one or two mods, started the game, and once everything loads, its CTD. Im not complaining, just letting you know that this mod is not playing nice with a lot of other mods on my computer. Ive spent about 3 hours installing mods one at a time and trying many different things and to no luck. -
No, I wont be able to. I have completely wiped my mod folder and started fresh, and with different mods. I wont be able to exactly duplicate what was happening. But I will def keep this in mind if I start having issues later on!
Im glad it worked for you. I tried that work around as well, no luck lol. Happy flying
Resources and how could they be more interesting ?
southernrock replied to Justin Kerbice's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
I personally think that is way to grindy for the beginning of the game. Maybe a way to earn a somewhat steady income and a small dose of steady positive rep. would be a neat idea for contracts (return x amount back for x amount of Funds) but to have to refine your own fuel for basic rockets, I personally wouldnt play it. I was thinking creating mining rigs for late game exploration on rare fuels. -
Resources and how could they be more interesting ?
southernrock replied to Justin Kerbice's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
If we go the imaginative route, I honestly think we can release something relative soon if we can have the support from the interstellar mod and the support from karbonite. Will we use karbonite as the endgame resource, or do we need to generate something new? Again, for me, just fine tuning what is already in place is more ideal for simplicity and ease of use for the community. Looking forward to seeing what is brought to the table. -
Resources and how could they be more interesting ?
southernrock replied to Justin Kerbice's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
I'm on mobile, so responding to every point would be difficult... It may just be me, but it seems like you are wanting to make this a lot more difficult than it had to be. Why try to create something from scratch when we can build on what's there? Also, I agree, people will want 50 different things, and to be clear, what route do you intend to go with these resources, more realistic, or more, ehh I guess imaginative. If you want more realistic, then yes that would be way more involved. If the other route, we can build and refine on 2 popular mods already in use. I also see resources as a late game added objective instead of a have to thing like C&C or any other rts. This is solely my .02 and may be completely different than what direction you where leaning to, so bear that in mind and no disrespect on my end. Resources shouldn't be a grind, you shouldn't have to start the game and have to start up an oil rig to process your jet fuel...no thanks. Resources as an objective should be for rare fuels for end game travels (career mode) or future tech (sandbox). Again, if you want more realistic, you would probably need to start from scratch, if you want to go the other route, we already have a very nice foundation to build from. -
Sorry, I do not know what caused it. I had to clear everything out and start over with the bare min main mods, that was the best way. With so many mods, there could have been one that over wrote another, and some mods have more than 1 main folder, so it was impossible for me to take out each and every one... sorry, but hey, my game is working good now lol
Well, at first it seemed random. Usually when I landed at Minmus and tried to come back. I would also have an issue when I went EVA and my kerbals would freeze. Then the issue started all the time. I started taking out mods, start a new game, jump in a ship and splash down by the control center. Every single time I tried to recover, this issue would happen. I would go back to the main screen, but no rep, no science, no funds added. Then you go into the commsat station and try to recover there, nothing happens and that same page pops up after a finished mission, but again, no rep, science, etc. I just did a fresh install, downloaded the mods I dont want to live without lol (went from like 60 files to like 30), and so far so good
Yep, same issue that I am having, glad im not the only one with this issue. Cannot figure out a fix.
Resources and how could they be more interesting ?
southernrock replied to Justin Kerbice's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
It isnt so much that making one from scratch wouldnt be an achievement, its about simplicity to the rest of the users. The user base doesnt need 10 different resource mods and 10 different Interplanetary mods, so working with what we have would make things much easier for the community to adopt. Thats my .02 anyways lol. As far as working on a concept, I can put together a document and have it ready by this weekend. We can then go over it together (skype or whatever) and then reach out and try to get some support, either from the mod authors of the other 2 mods or other individuals, which ever route we decide. Sound good? also PM me with your email and we can see what each others strenghts and weakness's are if you dont mind. -
Resources and how could they be more interesting ?
southernrock replied to Justin Kerbice's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
Not really sure how I could help but would love to try. Starting from scratch would be a huge undertaking and kind of unnecessary since a great foundation is already set with Interplanetary and Karbonite. Is their a way to merge 2 mods and work with the developers from Interplanetary and Karbonite? -
Resources and how could they be more interesting ?
southernrock replied to Justin Kerbice's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
[quote name= @southernrock: the whole concept of a "completion" is also pointless IMHO. It is and stay a sandbox game' date=' you don't have to follow the whole line to complete a campaign then... be boring and move on ? I think it's better to keep the sandbox style, let people do whatever they want with what they have (unlocked at some point), perhaps aside this, a full set of scenarii can be made, using scenario feature (but it would need a lot of them, between 50 and 100 I guess to cover everything). @to everyone: I just launch the idea, I don't own it, don't want to be kind of team leader or a guide or a guru, if some people find it good and want to work on it, fine, if no one care, it's fine too. As I wrote in the 1st post, it's definitely NOT a single people job, or it need someone who be fuelled over the maximum with energy drink . -
Resources and how could they be more interesting ?
southernrock replied to Justin Kerbice's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
Like another member mentioned, the only real way to make resources 'fun' for a majority of other players is to have special fuels/resources on other planets that have to be gathered to have access to certain technologies on the tech tree, but also make the resources a non requirement to 'finish' a line of the tech tree. Have the tree, well, branch out into other space ventures, warp drives etc. You want to have warp drives, cool, you unlocked the parts, but now you need to go to the mun and mine for x resource so you can power it. You should still be able to travel to other places with stock, but obviously will take huge amounts of DV (like another solar system) Warp drives would be the end game and you should have to have a solid resource system to support it. -
Having issues recovering vehicles, anyone else?
southernrock posted a topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
I have many mods, maybe 30 or so and running x64. Anyone else having issue recovering vessels? When I hit the recover button, no bonuses are rewarded and the vehicle does not recover. Even quiting and reloading the game does not work. I know that having mods and running x64, things get buggy, so Im in no way mad or anything, just curious if anyone else is having similar issues and if anyone may know a fix. Thanks for any help http://imgur.com/b6YhPeb -
not your son, so please dont address me as such Im trying to Moto. Curse has its own challenges lol. And getting 40+ is starting to enter the area of where its hard to manage. Im sure it will just continue to get worse lol. Thanks for the input!
And neither is it yours. This is an open community
Ruin a good thing? Not all of us think that the forums work well. Didnt realize it was only for Windows. I do not know, that is why Im asking the question. The last parts, I would never have had experience with so I cant say much on that end. I can only speak from my own experience with managers, which has always been great. It greatly simplifies everything and makes it quicker for me to actually get into the game and enjoy it instead of re downloading 40 zip files and placing each one into its place, which is tedious and can be frustrating. Thanks for all the feedback, it was educational.
Serious question for you authors though...Why does Nexus Mod Manager work so well for other games but not here? Why cant KSP move to Nexus instead of creating something from scratch?
So bascially, nothing will happen with that attitude? The complaint is from users asking modders to help with the organization, distribution, and just a better system to maintain so many mods. Things can no doubt be better in that department and will continue to get worse as time goes on. As it is now and will continue to be, no benefit to the authors doing so because this is strictly a request from users. Like a UI improvement that people may complain about, or a feature that may be requested. It is a little extra work from the author, but its to help the overall user experience. Im entirely grateful for the work authors do, and continued amazement at what they can do, so please dont think Im being ungrateful. But nothing can, or will be done with people being stubborn and complacent. Users need and want a better system and this is entirely a user requested thing. With the "you need to benefit the modders' attitude, yea nothing will happen because this isnt about benefiting them, its about creating a better overal experience for the people wanting to use their stuff. Give us a list of things that would benifit them? Coke? Cookies? Seriously? Most of the things that authors make and do, are above most of the users heads and cannot even begin to think how they can help them. We cannot come up with any system without input from authors and that isnt happening in this thread. Why dont you tell me REGEX, what will benifit you? What can we users do that would help in implementing a system that helps me manage yours and 50 other mods/add-ons? We are asking for open input, we are asking for insight, we are looking for constructive criticism, what we arent looking for is being .... blocked
And yet, 90% of the ruckos on this thread is, no most modders arent willing to change over or do anything for that matter because it is them who are volenteering their time to make the mods, and they arent doing it for the users, but themselves, and this is all but a stupid request and their actually is no problem. Thats how it seems to me anyways. And its not about blame, thats not what we are trying to do, we are trying to suggest a better method than what we have. It doesnt matter how we got in this postion, all that matters is where we are and how we proceed forward.
meh, like usual, nothing will get done with something like this. It isnt dreaming, considering their are in fact managers out their that will do what we like that take near zero effort from the authors, all we need is a better system of organization and delivery. The problem is the fact that people are stubborn and not willing to compromise on anything. They are set in their ways. Until that happens, mods will continue to get buried and updating from new releases will continue to be a pita. Ill limit my mods to a handful so it doesnt take me an entire afternoon when things break.
----He is saying that the modders don't want such a system, not that it couldn't work for this game. Forcing modders to use it would basically kill off quite a lot of mods but if you're ok with that then.. False considering there is already a mod manager mod out their that requires near ZERO effort from the mod author, but lacks support and relies on Curse, which doesnt work well with me my complaints- - Poor community turnover at curse, since that is the closest thing that can handle a mod manager (there is a ksp mod manager mod), which is out and works decently enough, but I currently cannot access Curse through firefox or chrome and Internet explorer isnt really that great on that site for some reason. This mod manager doesnt require the mod author to do anything. You copy the mod URL from curse and the manager keeps tabs of what you have, you can disable and enable mods, and you can update them. The problem on this end is curse and that a lot of mods dont cross over. - Not only finding new mods, but also trying to find older ones that you have installed from months prior. If we had an official mod manager used by the community, it would be easy to have everything organized -the mod library works good, to an extent. But isnt a full 100% list and will never be. Not to mention the mods that get broken or lost during the shut down and some moveing to curse We dont just need the manager, we need the entire mod community to support it and a site, and not be halved and splintered. We need a universal standard on what everyone is using and where everyone is going to get their mods. The forums are great for feedback, but realistically difficult to drudge for mods, and then refind them to update. Curse, at least, has dedicated pages and a better search function, but again, most arent their.
Ok, I took snipits from multiple users that recently posted and due to work a lot of features are a little buggy, so please bear with me- --And trust m e, I am a Nexus guy. It just does not work here. Why not? People keep saying that it will not work here. Please tell me why setting up a standard at a place like Nexus will not work for this game? This game has a massive amount of mods that constantly needs updated, so why wouldnt it work? ---You talk about mod authors having to standardize for the future, putting the burden on them Well, yea? I mean thats kinda the point we are driving. True that the mod author doesnt have to put in time to help standardize the system, but I can nearly promise that if their mod isnt one of the top few, they will get buried, like so many. No one else can put in the code or put in the links. It has to start with the mod aurthors. ---Why don't you go ahead and explain what any of us benefit from this. So far, everything has been focused on the end user alone Of course it has, its the end user who is wanting to use your product. It should be your (mod authors) job to make their mod and their work easily accessible to users. As of now, its pretty crappy if you arent in the top few big names (mech jeb, KW, etc) Smaller mods get buried rather quickly in the forums. The benifit to the mod author is that more people can access their work and enjoy it. ----We're against your idea that we need a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. Yes, their is a problem, and it is prominently getting bigger with each release. More modders are joining in, more modders are quitting, threads get lost, links stop working, links get put inside 100 pages of a thread. ----well ... i keep a much lower number of mods because of the effort of managing them Exactly. There are something like 60 thread pages of mods, and each page has something like 20 links. Now with the 64 bit, you really want people to be limited to 5 or 6 mods? Because that is how its starting to become. Those 5 or 6 mods will be the big ones as well, so chances are, smaller mods wont get used and good work will go unnoticed. We need a better way to manage mods. I mean, I dont know about you guys, but Its pretty easy of me to go crazy and just start Dling mods, with the sims, it was easy to DL 50+ user created mods and took no time to hit the DL button. ----This is where it gets bad and users have to invest some time to find the culprit if they so desire. Standardization or mod managers won't help here. Conflicts happen, heck, Fallout was a nighmare getting it up and running, but once their, it was golden. Standardization and mod managers lets me keep the mods I have instead of trying to hunt them down every month or when their is a new release.