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Everything posted by mckamx

  1. You were lucky that you didn't take out the launchpad when the ship disassembled.
  2. Firespitter biplane wings being launched perpendicular to prograde is evidently a bad plan. Fortunately, I was able to abort well enough for Bill to survive the crash.
  3. Asteroids have no appreciable gravity, so you can't so much land on on as float beside it. lacking docking ports, the best you can do to attach to an asteroid is to use the grabber/claw part to attach. There is a tutorial for doing this in the game, but the basic procedure is to arm the claw, do a "control from here" on the claw, orient the claw towards the COM of the asteroid, and ram the asteroid at 1 - 2 m/s.
  4. The entry you are looking at IS an awarded ribbon record. If you have a backup that you are coping in, replace all FinalFrontierHallOfFameEntry records older than your backup with the records from your backup.
  5. Very cool looking, but I'm not sure how it would function. The purpose of a ring is to provide consistent artificial gravity via centripetal forces. For this to work, all rings would have to both concentric and in the same plane (assuming the entire structure is spinning as a single unit - if the rings spin independently, you have a control problem keeping them concentric). With your 90 deg. phased rings, if you had a spin that put constant artificial gravity in one ring, the other would vary from full gravity to zero gravity.
  6. I usually have problems with my Eve intercepts: I set KAC for about 20 days before the intercept so that I have time for course corrections. My guess is that it is a combination of high speed due to inner planet orbit and deep gravity well for Eve that makes KSP rounding errors worse than normal.
  7. Jeb spent the morning throwing orbital debris and dead satellites at Kerbin.
  8. Depending on what they are attached to, the LV-N motors can overheat. It depends on how fast the motor heat is transferred out of the attachment point, which depends on the number of objects the heat can be transferred to.
  9. Completed Gilly exploration contract. The other Crewkerbals were jealous of the lander pilot getting the big XP, so I installed rumble seats on the lander.
  10. I have been deploying small, single-piece, permanently manned stations around the system. To be permanently manned, I require that the station be designed for centrifugal artificial gravity, and have a Snacks greenhouse. Minmus Station 2: 40.5t, crew capactity = 9 Duna Station 2: 75t, crew capacity = 19
  11. Dispatched a new, permanently (hopefully) manned station to Duna. Also sending along new lander/rover with a lower CG and a bit more dV for doing contracts on Duna.
  12. I admire your persistence in tweaking your orbit. However, you made one error, and have one misunderstanding (both of which I have done myself). The error is that your satellite orbit is 180 degrees off from what the contract requires (indicated by the AN/DN indicators that you were looking at, and by the "direction" dots orbiting in the opposit direction as your satellite). The misunderstanding is that the initial contract deadline is to "accept" the contract: once accepted, the completion deadline is usually years away.
  13. As of 1/20/15: 7 Asteroids in cluster: 2 A's, 3 C's, and 2 D's. Total mass = 946t. In ~1000 km orbit of Kerbin. Used MechJeb (not very useful in this context, since it doesn't do docking with the grabber, and is poor at manuvering high mass objects) and Docking Port Aligner (more useful at getting the attachment link attached to the asteroid at 180 degrees opposit the pusher ship). This is a WIP, as I have been accepting all contracts for asteroid recovery to Kerbin/Mun/Minmus, and attaching them once the contract is complete.
  14. Sent Fredbald, Rogar, and Richvey on a training mission to Mun. Up until now, I've mainly been going places only if I had a contract, or something in particular I wanted to do there. However, I find that all my well-trained engineers are off at Duna, and I have a landing leg on my astroid pusher that needs fixing, so I am running these three around the Kerbin system to gain experience. This tells me that, at least to some extent, the experience system in 0.90 is having real effects on gameplay. I do wish there was a better system for looking at the mission logs - between the log info added in 0.90 and Final Frontier, there is quite a bit of information about each Kerbal available, but no really good way to review the info all in one spot. - - - Updated - - - Are these sufficiently temperature-resistant to survive a DRE re-entry w/o buring up? I have been using modular struts because the stock landing legs melt during re-entry.
  15. Check out http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35777-Can-t-Undock-Bug-How-To-Fix
  16. And for all the work of building the space station, the game charged me about 200K /f, awarded no science or reputation, and operating around it noticeably bogs down my computer:rolleyes:. Now I am going back and doing a bunch of contracts to rebuild my bank balance so I can do more interesting projects.
  17. My third design for a space station with a centripetal habitation ring. The first attempt at a station used Infernal Robotics tall hinges to implement the angles, but I ran into problems with the hinges migrating from their attachment points. My second attempt used angled surface-mounted modular girders, but I ran into problems getting the docking ports to line up exactly with the spars connected to the hub. Finally, for this attempt, I built a single-piece circular frame to dock modules to. This was much easier to assemble in orbit, and looks pretty good.
  18. If you are playing career mode, you have to have upgraded the Astronaut Complex once or twice before you are allowed to do off-Kerbin EVA's. Does your Astronaut Complex upgrade screen indicate that EVA's are currently allowed?
  19. Not a bug. Build a station, and use a "grabber" to attach to an asteroid. Push the asteroid to the specified orbit, and you will complete the contract.
  20. Cleaned up construction debris littering my space station's orbit.
  21. Good suggestions, Thanks! I finally killed the KSP session, restarted, loaded the last quicksave, and re-played the end of the mission. This time, KSP terminated the mission at crush depth instead of doing the endless explosion thing, so I was probably battling KSP memory management. Goodbye, cruel Jool...
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