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Everything posted by benkh

  1. I really love the border where the dust transforms to ice. Your dv might just not be enough ...
  2. U have to switch to him using the "[" and "]" buttons on your keyboard . If your keyboard is different (like other country) search in the web for the right keys.
  3. Excuse me please if this question has been asked before, but has there been any information regarding Fractal_UK current status? ~Ben
  4. If you remember that Apple doesn't sell fruit it makes more sense... No really, it is probably just a name, but I am sure you can feel free to speculate
  5. Hey Forum people My name is Ben from Austria. I play Kerbal Space Program for about a year now. I started just a few weeks before version 0.22 was released. I enjoyed every moment in it. I didn't do the biggest and most komplex missions yet, but I still would think of myself as more or less experienced. I spontaneously signed up today, but I have bin following the forum since I started playing. I play with many mods. To name a few KSPInterstellar , KW, FAR( though I change to NEAR), and KER. I hope I gave you some impressions of myself and can't wait so see you all arround here .
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