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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Do markers show on your navball? I think i have some mod that's stopping it from showing up. They're on the map but nothing is on my navball besides the prograde/retrograde markers.
  2. How are people managing the flight survey missions? I've never seen one that was on the same continent so i'm assuming some kind of hypersonic SSTO? Also, when i set navigation for the flight spots, should i see a marker on my navball? Because i never do and it makes it really hard to nail the target.
  3. Ah thanks so much. I didn't realize it had to be subdivided like that.
  4. I feel stupid for asking this, but i am trying to get J's Specialized Suit Pack to work. I've installed it and the textures work, but i cannot for the life of me figure out the proper syntax to make it apply to specific kerbals. I have tried reading both tutorials and reverse engineering other packs, but to no avail. I would greatly appreciate any assistance in this matter. This is as far as i've gotten. It's labeled @JS.cfg CustomKerbals { Bill Kerman = DEFAULT Blue Bob Kerman = DEFAULT Yellow Jebediah Kerman = DEFAULT Orange } GenericKerbals { suitAssignment = random }
  5. Since we all appreciate robust designs that lower part count, might i suggest this as a possible template for an all-in-one terrestrial Karbonite extractor/transporter? http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/infrastructure.php#id--Orbital_Propellant_Depots--Kuck_Mosquito It's a very simple design and you could even adapt your inflatable code to simulate the bag filling up, i think. The whole page is just full of good ideas, I would love to see Lighters in your mod someday http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/infrastructure.php#id--Orbital_Propellant_Depots
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