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Everything posted by Darojax

  1. I found the problem. It's simply the first flaresetting value in the sun.cfg file in Scatterer/configs/Sunflares that needs to be adjusted. Original value for my flare was: flareSettings = 0.5, 1 , 1.15 I changed it to: flareSettings = 1 , 1 , 1.15 and it looks great. : )
  2. Hello! I have the same problem as a previous user, I've tried many different sunflares but none of them look like googled sceenshots, instead they all look faded like this: Kerbal-Space-Program-Screenshot-2021-02-18-19-08-19-99 — ImgBB (ibb.co)
  3. Hehe, well, you are doing this for your personal enjoyment, you shouldn't really apologize. : ) Is all good, I thought perhaps I was doing something wrong, is all. Tnx!
  4. Great mod! I've read the first post and skimmed through the thread, but am unable to find out how to turn off the manual failures option. Of course I have tried setting the flag to false in the config file, but it doesn't help! I've tried disabling all my other mods and just running with DangIt, but it doesn't help. Is this function perhaps not implemented yet? Once again thanks! regards Dax
  5. Hallo! Having some weird issue with the brilliant FASA pack: Whenever I reach 6000 meters altitude with one of the saved ships, for example FASA APollo Saturn V, the ship explodes! It is the same with all the FASA saved ships for me. I am using a bunch of mods, amongst others KerbalJointReinforcement. Disabling this mod made the rocket pass 6000 meters, but some weird issue with the camera no longer focusing on the ship and after a little while the crew dies of excessive G force, despite the G force meter not showing critical. I haven't been disabling all my mods to check because I thought I might save some time by inquiring with you fine folk if anyone know what the issue may be? Thankful for assistance, regards Dax My mods list (should all be working with 64bit 0.24):
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