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Everything posted by MaLuS

  1. will this add the parts to the tech tree? To the OP: will the new update and parts (i.e. solar wings) be tweakscale compatible? and have full tech tree integration? I would very much like to have these in my next interstellar playthrough that I'm thinking i might stream (for the first time streaming) when i get my new fibre internet next week. and now a difficult question for any modder: is there a projected estimate for the release of the new update? (just wondering if i can get this before my stream begins in a week or 2) current version is epic btw loving it! 1 request: is it possible we could have another radial ion engine thats a bit more streamline with a bit more max thrust like 1-2 maybe and resist temps of about 1800 (im thinking of putting them along the wings of a spaceplane and i also use FAR and deadly reentry)
  2. you could try these engines, they also have trim adjustments that can be done via action groups, just need a mount to fit B9 or 2.5m coz you have the B9 to 2.5m adapter in the B9 pack http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55985-0-24-2-27-July-Space-Shuttle-Engines-V2-0-New-folder-structure-and-24-compat?highlight=shuttle Also i would be interested to know if anyone has tested these with FAR installed and how they perform?
  3. I been playing around with the mod, very cool and good work. 2 requests though: could you make it remote tech compatible? I have remote tech installed and the probes from your mod work regardless of remote connection, useful for testing my science return drones but still once i do a career it would be nice to have that remote connection could you add in the same functionality on the smaller probe cores (its a small box shaped one and the flat octo, cant remember the name of em) as that would be lighter and more efficient for my return probes using Ion engines
  4. I know that they do not have control over the TT mod but they do have a HL to Mk4 adapter already so i was hoping they could make their own Mk4 parts to go with it and thus remove the need for me to use the old unsupported TT mod as well as having some beautifully crafted parts from the B9 team as their parts are some of my favorite parts in KSP and i'd like to see it expanded and be more versatile for larger rovers.
  5. I took some pics to show the reason for needing the Mk4 cargo parts as well as the HL mainly so i can use 2.5m parts for my XL Drilling rover and still be able to transport it in a spaceplane as you'll see in the pictures the Mk4 cargo from TT (old but still works but would really like a new and improved versions) fits the drill rig comfortably where as the HL cargo is a little too small for the wheelbase and as the parts are 2.5m storage for resources I cant really make the wheelbase narrower without sacrificing stability of the craft on rough terrain. so please please please make some Mk4 cargo bays and tail doors parts, i beg you! http://s1276.photobucket.com/user/Kane_Culleton/slideshow/KSP%20Cargo
  6. I was thinking of the decouplers as an emergency measure to decouple the crew if something should go wrong (using FAR and Deadly Re-Entry) and an excuse to use your shiny new abort button and i was only wanting the Mk4 parts for XL rovers or land base parts so i could deploy large drilling rigs, etc.. via spaceplane as the HL parts are not quite wide enough to hold 2.5m plus the wheelbase due to the tapered corners at the base of the cargo bay where as the Mk4 adapter has the base width that i'd need for such deployments comfortably.
  7. for some reason this is the only one of your mods that crashes my game when i try to load into a saved game I know i have a fair few mods installed but the game is as stable as you can expect the x64 game to be with all my mods installed until i put the "Klockheed_Martian" base folder or the "Klockheed_Martian_Asteroid" folder into the gamedata folder then i cant load a saved game as the game just freezes and crashes however the "Klockheed_Martian_SSE" and "Klockheed_Martian_SmartParts" folders work perfectly in the gamedata folder. error log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ackbg21yq7xkws/output_log.txt?dl=0
  8. how about having HL and HX decouplers? and some Mk4 parts as the current build has a HL to Mk4 adapter?
  9. are there any plans to add any Mk4 parts to go with the HL to Mk4 adapter?
  10. would that allow me to collect the data in one place like the plugin in this thread? or does simply allow for probes to use science experiments but would still require collection if not transmitted?
  11. perhaps you could put this functionality on a few of probe cores? to be an "A.S.R.P. (Automated Science Recovery Probe)" i would love to be able to make a small return probe that can dock on a station/ship collect the data then return to Kerbin like a drop pod. love the idea!
  12. lol im a dope, i accidentally deleted them when i cleared out the mods to start fresh. thanks for pointing that out it works now *slaps self*
  13. I just tried that version with only this mod installed and i keep getting stuck on the loading screen at the same point, the loading hints keep scrolling so the game doesnt lock up or crash so there is no crash report. "WarpPlugin\Parts\Engines\AugmentedArcjet\part0\FNSmallerAugmentedArcjet" as you can see it only the mod files that are in that download that is installed can anyone tell me how to fix this? windows 7 x64 running ksp 0.24.2 x64
  14. hmmm, interesting and a thought pops out, i wonder if these can be used to make giant wheels also a request that could you make an additional part that rotates like these but can be toggled rotation so it can be just activated and will rotate on its own with your tweak-able speed so we can make artificial gravity rings that don't need a button to be held down.
  15. love the parts, couple of things though... the Servo config in the VAB could do with being a tad wider just so it doesn't try and scroll sideways (see pic below). how does one use the "uncontrolled" parts? Is there a download for the parts shown in this video (my main reason for wanting this mod)
  16. These are the mods i have installed minus the "biomass-master" (biology+) and asteroid cities, i should also point out that I methodically tested these one at a time adding 1 then testing (remove if bug) then another then testing, etc... until i reached this list which took a fair few hours i can tell ya, all others work fine together apart from the aforementioned ones that was removed. The KAS required a patch to work in 0.24 that I had from the KAS thread in one of the later pages (around page 133 i think). Hope that helps you out.
  17. tested it just now in sandbox mode on windows x64 on ksp 0.24 x64 and the biomass worked perfectly although the biomass biology+ caused a game breaking bug that when i clicked on the VAB the game opened the VAB but also as if it tried to open the astronaut complex at the same time then just crashed
  18. looks to be an interesting mod and badly needed, can anyone confirm its working in .24?
  19. Confirmed, tried the recompiled .dll on win 7 x64 on .24 x64 and the parts all go in and are correct but cannot use them with a kerbal "no damage" message only and containers cannot be edited
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