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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Further confirmation - stock fuel profile after one hour of time running at 92.5% power on the fusion reactor test platform (3.75m High-Q Tokamak) at 50x or lower, the vessel has consumed 60 units (liters???) of Deuterium. Cranked up to 100x for the next hour at the exact same conditions shows that it has only consumed 1.5 liters, a factor of 40:1 If the KSP units are in fact liters, then the control window is showing the intended values of 32 liters per day, the actual low-compression fuel rate is about 40 times as much...hang on... Edit: Well that's interesting. At low time compression (50x and lower), adjusting the power output of the reactor (scaling the amount of transmit power in the microwave phased array) does -not- affect fuel consumption...it seems to be fixed at maximum and multiplied by 40-ish (44? That's the maximum thermal output of this reactor in Gigawatts). However, at high time compression, the reactor functions normally and is able to scale its fuel consumption proprotionate to its usage.
  2. Confirming that Tritium Breeding is not functioning normally - In .24/.25, rates were proportionate, and using an upgraded 3.75m fusion reactor running at high usage (microwave transmitter maxed-out), I could reliably have a (very slow) gain of Tritium over time regardless of time acceleration. Here, even with increased Charged Particle ratio for the DT Fusion mode, Tritium Breeding is unsustainable...at time accelerations below 100x. At and above 100x, there is a sizable and disproportionate gain. Testing further, by editing the He3 Cryostats reserves a little, it seems that the tritium breeding rate is not dependent upon the amount or rate of charged particles at all. DT, DHe3, and 2He3 modes all have the same exact rate of tritium breeding. It is dependent, linearly, on total reactor output/heat, and non-linearly on time acceleration. Serious problems for maintaining a fusion-powered microwave-beaming satellite. Edit: Actually, the increase in gain does appear to be linear after 100x...for some reason, it just magically becomes viable and the signs flip when time is scootched up past 50x. Edit2: So, a temporary fix for myself is just decreasing fusion fuel consumption by a single order of magnitude. This makes tritium breeding sustainable at 75% reactor output for the 3.75m High-Q Tokamak. I have noticed that at 50x time with this vessel operating at 95% reactor, the tritium rate is -0.01. However, when I increase this to 100x time, this goes instead to -0.18, a factor of at least 9 times more. Something going on with the simulation at 100x+ causes something silly not to happen to breeding rate, but reactor fuel consumption. The Deuterium rate goes from 0.18 at 50x to 0.00 at 100x...magically it isn't consuming fuel at that point. I'm guessing this only for a simulated ship, though, not a vessel in background which should behave normally. Something really weird is going on here, as well. According to the reactor control panel , normally (without my edited consumption rate) the consumption rate for Deuterium and Tritium sit nicely at 32 liters per day, and the breed rate here shows 155.2 liters per day for tritium. Somehow, this is not translating accurately to either consumption or breeding rate, though my bet is on consumption. This vessel has been up for a total of 2.5 hours and (at its 1/10th rate of consumption) has already lost 4 units (liters???) of Deuterium. Deuterium rates: @50x, 0.08 - @100x, 0.00 - @1000x, 0.04 - @10,000x, 0.40 (oscillates to 0.33). Again, these rates are about one tenth what other users will experience.
  3. Here's a lovely oddity: I managed to get AltInput functioning properly in most respects. It detects my Saitek X52 just fine, and it is able to detect any button inputs. Axis inputs, however...yeah, I get nothing. [Saitek X52 Flight Controller] Interface = DirectInput Class = GameControl DeadZone = 0.03 AxisZ.Inverted = true [Saitek X52 Flight Controller.Flight] AxisY = pitch AxisX = roll AxisZ = mainThrottle RotationZ = yaw Button3 = toggleSAS Button5 = overrideSAS Button4 = toggleRCS Button7 = toggleBrakes Button9 = toggleGear Button2 = toggleLights Slider1 = wheelThrottle
  4. The concept is simple, though the implementation may be a chore: linear RCS/Vernor engines with option for gimballed thrust vector transform. While it is possible to simply place an engine gimbal module into an RCS/Vernor part file without any heinous errors being thrown, the engine does not seem to register that it is in fact able to be thrust-transformed or utilize that during SAS/RCS thrust calculations. My original attempt was to modify a Vernor engine so that its thrust exhaust could rotate within a 90-degree cone (up to 45 degrees off center) to allow the vessel to be controlled more efficiently and effectively. I doubted it'd work from the get-go, but it was still worth a shot, and I, personally, think it's a fantastic idea if it can be pulled off. I am frankly shocked that no one else has bothered to suggest or mod such a thing (that I could find). Discuss!
  5. Curious issue. Using upgraded KTEC generators don't seem to generate power from basic Fission reactors now in either Uranium or Thorium modes. Not sure if that always was, is an issue with x64, or is an issue with Experimental. Figured it'd be worth mentioning. Alright, pinned that one down - It seems that I fiddled with something in the VAB on a Deployable Phased Array, setting the transmit power up decently high. However, the transmit was disabled, and thermal power levels were just fine. Somehow, it decided that it was just going to make the generator unable to produce energy, no matter how much I toggled its power. Weird. Everything is working fine now. Also, having to wait for moderators to approve posts is a big PITA.
  6. I have experienced a disappointment, and I am curious as to a work-around; Squad has finally added a science module to the accelerometer - However, I REALLY liked the method that KSPI used to gather science with them. Is there any way to override the vanilla functionality and replace it with IS functionality? Using the x64 version of KSP here, and also curious if that has anything to do with them not functioning appropriately. Nevermind. I have found the herp-derp - Two different versions of ModuleManager in the GameData folder. Go me. Removed, everything works grand now with KSPI (AFAIK)
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