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Everything posted by Maverick221

  1. I've just installed some mods and received "595 **FATAL** issues". Seems like almost all stock and CONTARES CORE parts are affected (Contares was one of the mods i installed right before the error happened, so probably one of the cause). Any suggestions how to fix this? Here's my log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ncnm4c9yudonhb/KSP.log?dl=0
  2. Here's my newest FX-3 version, FX-3E with internal weapon bays https://www.dropbox.com/s/3puomnadb1owf5u/FX-3%20E%20Strike%20Mode%203.craft?dl=0 You need infernal robotics Press (; ) and (') to open and close the bay - - - Updated - - - I don't know if that version already equipped with ejection seat or not
  3. I've just made an internal weapon bay, but it could only store 4 AMRAAM Is it still count as internal weapon bay?
  4. Here's my entry, FX-3 D Not really fast, but can do sharp turns https://www.dropbox.com/s/pjp1npceifol9g4/FX-3%20D%20Strike%20Mode.craft?dl=0 I could also make it looks "stealthier", adding internal weapon bays It also has a drogue chute, 10 hard point, 1 external fuel tank Mods that i use: B9 Procedural Wings Adjustable Landing Gear Vanguard Technologies EVA Parachute
  5. hey, can anyone give me the link for assembled craft for buran?
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