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Everything posted by Faster

  1. Thanks everyone. Very informative. I did try @JustinKerbice's suggestion (thanks) of KSP-AVC. It, of course, find different mods as being incompatible; but nice to have info when I'd mistakenly thought something was at latest but wasn't. What I think I read above, in summary: the Compatibility Checker is just common code or a library mod developers like to use that compares KSP's version number against a developer's own list of what they think will work.
  2. I just fired up KSP 0.24.1 OS X and got a list of mods it says are incompatible with 0.24.1 (but which were compatible with 0.24.0.) Leaving aside the minor surprise of a minor minor update with a breaking API changeâ€â€because hey, this is prerelease so anything goes and I'm damned happy to get all those great fixes so quickly!â€â€I was just curious what the checker might be checking in order to tell me some (but not all) of the mods I've installed are incompatible? And now for the really dumb question, what is it part of, e.g., core KSP, ModuleManager, or ___?
  3. @Vendan Thanks for the great mod, congratulations on being featured by Squad, and thank you for including an update check! Great (hard) work, all much appreciated. Sorry to see you have to put up with trollsâ€â€no good deed, what.
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