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Everything posted by AgincourtDB

  1. Your tool fixed my bugged docking clamps, thank you! Couldn't free my nuclear tug from the space station, and now I can!
  2. MJ's 'Surface Info' tab will also give you your horizontal speed, I have that tab open always while landing manually.
  3. So I'm 700+hrs and I'm only now finally getting to the point where I'm planning on sending Kerbalnauts to other planets. I'd like to design a Nuclear mid-stage based on the 2.5m engine but off course there's no tank option. My heavy tug for dragging things around in Kerbin orbit uses it with fuel lines coming in from tanks mounted radially, but I'd like a more elegant solution (also, it has 16 separate tanks and that's a PITA to refuel manually). I'd also like to design LF dumps that don't use the oddly-shaped Mk3 tanks but still hold a lot of fuel. I've tried IFS but it doesn't seem to work, doesn't give me the option of changing the fuel loadout on tanks, just seems to have added a bunch of cryo tanks (??). Halp! I guess ideally I'd like a recommendation for a parts pack that has several LF options of various sizes.Thanks!
  4. Yeah ascent guidance is screwy now. Dunno if it got better or worse since the 1.0.1 update, haven't loaded the game yet today. It's as if the mod failed to take into account the change of some numbers, somehow, or didn't update the 'default' settings...
  5. The thing that puts the nail on the head for me is ladders. They're probably a neolithic invention, but that's just a guess. Ladders should be available from the beginning. Overall, I like the tech tree. Some of the transitions (the switch to Rockomax parts, for example) are a bit screwy as mentioned above, and I think it would have been better to have big, expensive 'all-at-once' unlocks at certain strategic places on the tree. But it's still very playable. - - - Updated - - - I actually like this. It makes perfect sense. They're not 'production' parts yet, that's exactly why you're testing them. I think the requirements for many of those testing missions are silly: test conditions should more closely resemble actual mission profile conditions, or be ground-tests. But that's just me...
  6. Reminds me of the Komet Basically a 'think outside the box' attempt at an interceptor of high-altitude level bombers. - - - Updated - - -
  7. This will probably sound like no big whoop to most of you guys, but today I got a probe with 3 repeatable experiments into orbit around Eve. I'd never managed an interplanetary mission before today, only even tried a couple times. I hadn't even planned on it... I was aiming for a Kerbol orbit science probe but I got past Kerbin escape with a ton of fuel left, and I thought, might as well throw my hat over the wall. Then I landed a Kerbette on the Mun. Not Val, 'Miltred'. Sooooo much science...
  8. Update: configuration mentioned above worked, though it did seem like it wanted to flip around and go stowed-parachute-end first. I took the extra precaution of putting mechjeb on the capsule itself and using SmartASS to keep it pointed toward retrograde, but even then it was a few degrees off from heat shield being pointed directly along the axis of travel. Probably just using the SAS from the probe core would have worked equally well, though I think my current 'tourist' build is going to get an SAS module added between probe core and heat shield (I wonder if the weight dist. will be better that way or worse?) Another interesting note: the tourist gained 2 XP. I wonder what that's for? Fascinating. - - - Updated - - - Actually I would think space tourists would enjoy being given something to do in-flight, and I'd imagine they usually are. I wouldn't want to go up just riding as 'cargo'. I'm more perplexed as to why the chute deploy isn't automatic (i.e., why it requires pilot or probe AI, rather than just being set off by altimeter/pressure).
  9. Yeah that seems to be the upshot. I'm going to try Capsule ----> Probe core ----> small heat shield ----> (direction of re-entry). I've done that Mod Manager fix to the re-entry orientation bug so hopefully it'll work and the thing won't flip around the wrong way.
  10. So complex as pushing a button? (that's a winky face by the way, lol)
  11. Only thing coming back is the capsule with the tourist in it, has plenty of juice, so the chute should work. Didn't they once upon a time open automatically at their target altitude anyway? Weird. Guess I have to retain the probe core through splashdown. I guess that's the obvious answer, just looking for confirmation.
  12. Where does this .cfg file go? I'm sure the answer is self-evident to people who are used to using Mod Manager but I've only just installed it...
  13. I've put things in there and had them persist in-flight, so not sure what problem you're experiencing....
  14. I did a lot of tipping over and burning straight towards the ground. Then I did a bunch of reading the forums. Then I started over, had better luck, got into orbit, unlocked a couple tech tree levels... and stalled due to bad contracts/not enough science. (they made the money--->science strategy absolutely ineffective, apparently, and I was really hoping to use that to great advantage.) Stuck at "can't get to Mun yet, that's next in the science-ey contracts and everything else is VIP tours and surveys that I can't do without planes" (ymmv) Now I'm back reading the forums. I figure I need to let the contracts recycle, but I hate fast-forwarding just to burn time. I'm sure there are people who could get to Mun with what I have unlocked... math people. Physics people. I'm humanities, all right? Don't bother me. Feels like a very different game in some ways.
  15. I noticed this too... picked the 10% level and I think I got a grand total of 4 science out of it in five or six missions. Absolutely useless currently.
  16. They're working on it, I downloaded a dev version from about 2 hrs ago, but I closed the tab so I don't have the link. It's in the mechjeb thread though...
  17. I guess that's possible. I've never managed an interplanetary trip. I've landed on both Mun and Minmas, as well as doing most of the orbital science around Kerbin. I've been doing a lot more than just contracts, but I've done a lot of contracts, for the $$. I've also refused a bunch that just seemed stupid hard (procedurally generated stuff like testing the big NASA engine in a Minmas escape trajectory, stuff like that)
  18. It's interesting: I've been watching my available contracts dry up both times (on my second contracts savegame, restarted once I thought I'd gotten the 'hang' of it) In spite of not failing any and only cancelling one. My rep is good, almost great. I'm scratching my head. Wondering if checking this will improve things or not.
  19. Is it going to give me more missions or fewer? Does it have something to do with reputation?
  20. Have you really gotten contracts with a window that small? I've gotten 1000m windows with reasonable speed requirements (watch the contract window with your finger resting lightly on the space bar, quoting Star Wars ["Aaaalmost there... aaaaalmost there"]), but I haven't seen anything like the above. I could do it with mechjeb, but not hardcore.
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