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Posts posted by Targa

  1. Can I get a copy of the log file and the configuration files you are using (all your ones, and which (if any) of the distributed set that have been kept if you're still deleting them). I think I know what's happening, but I still don't know exactly why and I want a hard repro case for it.

    Whatever you did with 2.4.1 has resolved the issue. I now have no problems with the mod working as intended.

  2. My guess is an install issue - the last release vastly changed the contracts, so if you just copied over top of an old install you may get duplicates. I'd try deleting ContractPacks/RemoteTech and re-installing. If still see duplicates after that, send a log and save file and I'll dig deeper.

    I downloaded version 2.0.0 (the latest), and never had an older install. The issue is the contract named "PlanetMoonRelay.cfg". It's a repeatable contract, so it's entirely possible to get offered a contract for Minmus, build the satellite network, complete the contract, then get offered the very same contract later. Which, as I said, doesn't work well, since if you already have a satellite network up for Minmus (or any other moon that you've previously completed this contract for), you can simply take the contract again and complete it instantly (well, as soon as the shake-down period is up).

    In addition, there's either something incorrect with the way these contracts are written, or there's a bug in Contract Configurator, or there's a stock bug in the contracts system. The contract mentioned above says "advanceFunds = 70000.0" and "rewardFunds = @advanceFunds * 3.0". I have the difficulty set to a 60% percent payout for contracts. Therefore I should be offered this contract with an advance of roughly $42,000 with a completion payment of $126,000. I'm offered this contract for an advance of $131,250 and a completion payment of $394,283!

    Edit: I was about to go mention this in the Contract Configurator thread when I noticed it's the same author as this mod, so I won't bother duplicating my issue in that thread.

  3. Still broken. Works slightly better I suppose, since now it's showing 6 VAB categories rather than 2. All non-standard however. When I enter the VAB, the Filter by Function tabs are: Multi Coupler, Docking Ports, Control Surface, Air Intake, Landing Gear, Landing Legs.

    This happens with both the configs from the previous version as well as the configs from the latest version.

    EDIT: After checking many times, I found that this dll is working, with one problem. The above mentioned scenario only happens the first time you enter the VAB. Once you exit the VAB and re-enter, everything is back to normal for the duration of the game. Also wanted to mention that this time neither of the log files contain any errors, only "loading" messages.

  4. If you're rolling in that much money, I want to be doing whatever you're doing... Admittedly, I just completed "Manned Orbit and Recovery," so I have a ways to go, but even so, I have Level 2 upgrades for the launchpad, Astronaut Complex, Tracking Station, and Mission Control... and that's it. Scraping together enough money to upgrade the VAB to Level 2 and still be able to launch rockets is proving challenging. :( (FYI, I'm also playing on 60% Funds Rewards, but 100% Reputation Rewards, and 100% Penalties across the board).

    Might just be an issue with how I play the game, but up until reading that post I felt like I was doing pretty well. :blush:

    And I didn't even mention that I have "no entry purchased required on research" disabled, so I've also had to buy each item after I unlock the research category using science points. I also have 4 permanent satellites orbiting Kerbin, 2 around the Mun, 1 parked on the Mun, and 3 around Minmus. And I didn't even do any contracts that asked to test at the launchpad. Most of my money was from SETI Contracts and the Remote Tech Contracts Pack (which also seems to pay too much). Started a new game and with the FundsGainMultiplier and RepGainMultiplier set to 30% payout, it looks like it'll be (hopefully) just the amount of difficulty I'm looking for.

    Once you're finished with the necessary KSC upgrades (the strategies building can be left at level 1, and most others except the launchpad (and maybe VAB) can be left at 2), you'll be swimming in money, or will only need to do contracts when you need money for rocket parts. I think what this game needs is a "daily maintenance/upkeep cost" to maintain KSC. But even that won't work for most people (now that I think about it), since fast-forwarding to get your ships interplanetary would drain your bank account real fast...

    To up the ante in difficulty, I've made my own "rule". No manned flights unless their flight path is covered by Remote Tech communications satellites. I really wish there was a way to disable the player's ability to create maneuver nodes. It would be awesome if that ability could be toggled off whenever the manned ship lost contact with Mission Control (as defined by Remote Tech's unmanned flight rules).

    Thanks for the reply, Yemo. I think I'll also add another rule for myself, either don't accept OP contracts, or if I do and complete them, then I'll just accept other contracts and abandon them to penalize myself for however much I think the reward should have been lowered by.

  5. Yes, the reset and keep data buttons do nothing, because as soon as you ran the report, the data was created on the kerbal by the game. The addon simply moves that data to the science container. It doesn't care if you want to keep it or not, it just moves it to get the experiment ready to go again. If you want to remove data, you need to review it.

    I don't know about the second issue though.

    Actually, the behavior I've observed (which is annoying) is that since this mod immediately moves the science into the science container as soon as it's generated, if you click the "keep data" button, the game creates a duplicate report with a value of zero. Any time I selected "Keep data", I ended up with stored data with a value of zero.

  6. That sounds like something failed in the code. Logs please

    Yep, there's the issue. Take a look toward the end of the log file, lots of errors like this:

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    at UnityEngine.TextEditor.ClampPos () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at UnityEngine.GUI.DoTextField (Rect position, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUIContent content, Boolean multiline, Int32 maxLength, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at UnityEngine.GUILayout.DoTextField (System.String text, Int32 maxLength, Boolean multiline, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at UnityEngine.GUILayout.TextField (System.String text, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at FilterExtensions.Settings.drawWindow (Int32 id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


    I should also mention that about 50% of the time (in any version), when I click the button in the main game window that's supposed to open the settings window for this mod, all I get is a thin horizontal gray line.

  7. After playing for a few days, it seems to me that the contracts pay out way too much. I'm playing on hard difficulty, with payout at 60%, reputation gain set at 60%, and am just now getting to "Manned Minmus Landing". This contract is offering $200,000 and +90 reputation. My launchpad and VAB are already fully upgraded, Mission Control, Tracking Station, R&D, and Astronaut Complex are all level 2. I have $488,000 in the bank. This is with no Adminstration Building strategies in place. 90 reputation seems like a crazy amount of rep, and 200k seems excessive also. I'd also like to point out that I have yet to even land on the Mun or Minmus to gather science experiments, and am still early in the tech tree.

    Compare this to the stock contract, "Ultimate Kerbin Challenge", which is 3 stars and pays $250,000 and 30 rep (which is the biggest rewards I've seen from stock so far), and it may make you think the contracts are a bit overpowered. For now, I'll just edit my persistent save and lower the gains so they result in something more reasonable (or just start another game with lower payouts).

    Just making an observation, not complaining. I'm loving the progression of the contracts, as it makes the game seem to have more of both a story, and a point.

  8. This mod has now given me "Create a network for Minmus" a total of 3 times. The first time it offered 2 copies of the same contract at once, except one paid almost double what the other was offering. I declined the more expensive payout and completed the lower payout contract. Now it's offering the same low-payout one again, even though my Minmus satellite network is still operational and this has been completed previously. These should be progression, "one-time only" contracts, otherwise I could take this new contract and complete it without doing anything, since my Minmus network is still up...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Right I cant seem to get rt2 contracts at all. I'm using the seti ctt, seti contracts, rt2 contracts, grand tour contracts, scansat contracts, anomoly surveyor contracts, field research contracts, I have probe cores, antenna, and solar panels unlocked, have tried using debug menu to quickly clear/regen, even started a new career and auto completed a load to get my rep up and unlock the parts again, but I'm still not seeing rt2 contracts.

    I'm seeing them fine, although I only have SETI and RT contracts installed. One thing that happens is that stock contracts (as well as contracts from other mods) all compete to fill the available offering slots. You could try declining some of the 2-star contracts, fast forwarding a bit and see if they show up then. One thing I did, and I suggest you do, since you have so many contract packs installed:

    Open the game directory and navigate to GameData\Squad\Contracts and open the Contracts.cfg file in Notepad. The 6th line down from the top is "AverageAvailableContracts". Change that number to something higher like 16 or 25 or whatever you want (I use 16). That should allow more varied contracts to show up.

  9. Running version 2.6 with KSP 1.0.4. Changed altitude setting to 5000m, angle to 89 degrees, throttle to 100%. Put my ship on a landing trajectory and turned on SAS. The mod appeared to be wiggling the engine gimbal very rapidly, as though trying to steer (strange, since the engine had no gimbal). Other than that it did nothing. Didn't point the ship retrograde, didn't fire the engine, just let it crash and burn. This was in [color = blue]blue "kill horizontal velocity" mode. I tried the "hover" mode also, but no joy there either.

  10. New release, download now!

    Contract Configurator 1.5.4

    • Added new extended PartModule mode to PartValidation parameter.
    • Added new methods for determining engine thrust and ISP in expressions.
    • Added additional validation to WaypointGenerator.RANDOM_WAYPOINT_NEAR (thanks Xaegr).
    • Minor changes to VesselSpawner.
    • Fixed issue with VesselNotDestroyed firing for EVA Kerbals boarding a vessel (thanks Cooper42).
    • Fixed Pow() and Log() expression functions to work correctly with types other than double (thanks NathanKell).
    • Fixed major issues with CanResearchTech requirement (thanks NathanKell).
    • Fixed holes where expressions could modify underlying KSP lists (thanks Whyren).
    • Experiments from unsupported science mods won't show up - preventing them from showing up before the right tech has been unlocked.
    • Added Asteroid Day experiment to experiment list (doesn't change behaviour, just quiets a warning).

    Could you please update the CKAN file also? I checked CKAN once I started getting the "new version available" popup when starting the game, and there's no option to update.

  11. I simply copied the Food wedge cfg file, edited the name to "supplies", gave it the same amount of food/water/O2 as the stock TAC-LS size small hex can, and added it to the tech tree. Much more convenient for Mun/Minmus trips. Leaves enough room for Goo, Science Jr, and cargo wedges. Which remonds me, I'm constantly having trouble getting small items like the 2Hot thermometer to stick to the inside of the "science bay" wedge. Parts will stick to the surface of the rear of this compartment without a problem, but trying to place anything on the 45 degree sides inside this leads to clipping right through the wall of the container most of the time.

  12. I've had this issue as well. One way you can solve it is to bring up the cheat menu (alt+F12) and tick off the box for "ignore max temperature". I figured it was a mod that was causing it. I moved my save files to a safe location, then deleted the entire game directory and did a clean install. After that I reinstalled only some of my mods, and I haven't had the problem since then. Now I'm not saying these mods caused the issue, but I did NOT reinstall HGR, Infernal Robotics and Quantum Struts Continued. Since then I haven't had this issue once. It's also a possibility that it's caused because you modified one or more of Squad's stock parts, or modified some of the game's other cfg files. All I can tell you is that once I did a clean install and was very careful about what I did and what mods I installed, I haven't had the issue once. On the down side, in my case I started a new game.

    One habit I've gotten myself into with Unity games is to make a "clean copy" of the current version of the game and stored it in a different folder. Whenever there's a fairly well-behaved, stable version that I like, I make a copy of it. That way if an update messes up the game and no patch is forthcoming, I can always go back to the previous version. FWIW, if you bought the game on Steam you can "revert to previous stable version" which will give you v0.90.

  13. TLDR;

    Finishing the tech tree quickly was my forst real gripe with this game. Since then I've learned that to make it more interesting (for myself, and people like me), you need to set the difficulty to hard (it's OK to turn back on reverting ships if you want, etc), and on the sliders, set science to 10% or 20%. Otherwise, as you mentioned, visiting the outer planets is pointless. Also, use mods like SETI's Tech Tree mod, which makes the tech tree twice as big. Add in Remote Tech, and you won't be able to launch probes/satellites without them having a connection to KSC. Mods make the game more interesting and give it longevity. I'm hoping someone will make a mod that integrates with Remote Tech and makes it impossible to use maneuver nodes for manned flight unless you have an antenna connection to KSC.

  14. Quick question regarding the progression contracts. If I orbit/land on the Mun before those contracts show up in Mission Control, do those contracts still show up, or does the contract system "know" that I'm already past that stage of my career and not offer them to me? ie: Should I wait for the contracts to show up so I don't miss out on them, or is it safe to get ahead of the contracts?

  15. Being a fan of playing hard mode, when I first saw Remote Tech I thought to myself, "This is great, I won't be able to do anything without first setting up a satellite network". I quickly came to realize that RT only affects probes (which I rarely use), not manned missions. What I would love to see is an addon for this mod that uses Custom Barn Kit (or some other way) to disable the players ability to create and use maneuver nodes when contact with KSC is lost. So if you have a manned mission, you'd essentially lose the FlightPlanning upgrade you get with level 2 of the Tracking Station and Mission Control. You'd still be able to manually pilot your ship, but you really need that contact with KSC's experts and tracking station to plan those precise maneuvers. This would really make this mod one of "satellite networks, or else". (copied from my post in the RT thread, moved here to hopefully get some attention by modders).

    Somewhere I saw a config file for a mod that had "enableFlightPlanning" as a variable. I'm pretty sure they were adjusting the building upgrades, but not sure if MM can be used to address this as a variable that can be toggled, and also integrated to Remote Tech's communications on/off behavior.

  16. Hi. I installed your mod and went into KSP. The mod seems to be working correctly, but my "mission completed" button at the upper right now reads 0. I had 68 missions before.

    Is this normal?

    Same issue here. Love the mod, but it has the unfortunate side effect of deleting all messages from the notification window. I installed this mod, completed 2 contracts, and when I checked my inbox, it was 0. Had to go back to Mission Control archives to make sure they had completed correctly. I'll probably remove the mod for now, unless this can be fixed. If it's intentional, there should be an option to toggle this behavior on/off.

  17. Thanks for the clarifications. I just came back to say that the Powered Landing contract reappeared. I think it has something to do with the stock mission programming that forces them to expire after a certain amount of time, and the game sticking another contract in its place, thus filling the "maximum number of available contracts", hence preventing addon contracts from showing 100% of the time (just a guess). At any rate, contract came back, so all is good.

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