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Posts posted by A9p

  1. Absolutely loving these antennas - they're perfect in my Antennarange+SETI career mode save.

    I did notice one small issue, the antennarange patch for the vhfBlade is missing a { and an @, meaning that the nominalrange info doesn't show up on rightclick in the editor (I have no idea how this would affect functionality)

    I added the bolded brace and @ in red below to the file AR_vhfBlade.cfg and fixed it as follows:

    [COLOR=#ff0000][B] {[/B][/COLOR]
    [B][COLOR=#ff0000]@[/COLOR][/B]name = ModuleLimitedDataTransmitter
    nominalRange = 300000
    maxPowerFactor = 8
    maxDataFactor = 4

    name = ModuleScienceContainer

    dataIsCollectable = true
    dataIsStorable = false

    storageRange = 2

  2. Just hopping in to say I've been playing with the External materials experiments on a new save, and I'm loving them. They're actually giving me some practice for my atrocious EVA skills, and some useful science on my single Kerbal missions before I've unlocked enough solar to do Radar flights.

    I'm looking forward to playing with the station side equipment, and can't wait to see where you take this next.

  3. I have just rediscovered my city lights, and while I think mine were missing for a reason that more experienced people would have spotted, I'll repeat it here for the rest of us.

    It turns out the ambient light dimming in planetshine was just blocking them out. commenting out that line of planetshine's config now has me the best of both worlds - the gentle illumination from the dayside, and my cities back once again on the night side :)

  4. I'm not sure if this is by design, or is just my install but the Radiation sensor doesn't seem to have any 'diminishing returns' - I've been able to get high 30 science readings from the same biome more than once on different visits which gets quite unbalanced quite quickly. Is it supposed to be doing that, or have I just got a clash between mods somewhere.

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