hello guyz. This is my first thread. Im razbitz, little ....... live in korea. I eat communist everyday. last night, I wanna make some nice plane. so I played KSP. My goal is Beautiful Air fighter F22. I used B9aero pack's MK2 cockpit & turbo jet engine with procedural wings mod. and here finally, I can make this plane fly. looks good uh? but I have some important problem with it. procedural wing's can't make valance of the center of lift. I had to edit mass of parts, and use infinity fuel cheat. If I make valance, I have to change wing's shape or remove vertical and horizontal stabilizer. If I add stabilizer, center of lift has move into tail section. I wanna make F22 without edit or cheats. It getting harder and harder. thanks for read. and I must sorry for my bad english.