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  1. Yeah ModuleManager 2.6.24. Do you want the craft file for it?
  2. I didn't save the ship I was having issues with, so I rebuilt it, now I'm having an issue where even though there's antennas on the vehicle, it still tells me "No antenna" in the Kerbalism window.
  3. Running KSP 1.1.2 and Kerbalism I have a ship design with two antennas on a probe core, with solar panels, and then that covered in a Procedural Fairings fairing, and then two antennas on the side of the rocket outside the fairing. The flight goes fine until I jettison the stage with the external antennas, then Kerbalism says "No antenna" and I lose control of the ship, even though the two other antennas are out in the open, with the fairing jettisoned. Am I doing something wrong? Same behaviour when using a stock fairing.
  4. Yep, every manned spacecraft in my career mode has some form of LES, sometimes the stock one, sometimes a custom one built with sepratrons, It's rare that I'll need to fire them, but it has happened a few times, more often in my early career.
  5. Liking it a lot so far, had some issues at first but that was solely error on my part. Activated the autopilot then timewarped closer to the ground, only after testing did I realize it timewarps automatically. Would definitely like a function to disable gimbals automatically, as I often forget to bind that to an action group. Even if displaying the landing point in the map proved to difficult, displaying coordinates would be great, especially when you're trying to set vehicles down in a super precise location.
  6. Been around the forums since late 2011, post pretty rarely but both lurk and play everyday. Got the game probably a month before I joined here. Edit. Just looked it up, version 0.9 was my first intro to the game. Despite the complaints and issues, I'm still overwhelmed by how far it's come in these past few years.
  7. For checking out maneuverability and burn times, I'll often do a full scale test on Kerbin. It's nowhere near accurate to the gravity or lack of atmosphere, but it definitely helps determine major issues with the craft before launching it.
  8. Or, if you don't want to go to the hassle, here's the Kerbin one already processed. It may take a while for the overlay to load when opened in Google Earth as it's fetching a 91mb file from the server. http://meteori.tk/ksp/Kerbin.kmz
  9. Nope, no known way of creating additional planets or tweaking planet parameters with Google Earth, all that data is hardcoded or pulled from Googles servers. They've got it all locked down tight. Maps Engine may be dead but you could always use the same old software that Kerbal Maps is running, http://leafletjs.com/, clearly it can be used to make custom scale maps, as a lot of different projects use it, and there's plugins for adding measurement capabilities (http://leafletjs.com/plugins.html#measurement). Perhaps the best bet would be to contact the creator of Kerbal Maps and ask if it'd be feasible to implement measurements in his version.
  10. Google Earth is kind of my specialty, been working with it heavily since its launch. As Shpaget said, the big issue you'll run into will be scale. Kerbin is just so much smaller than Earth that you'll need to make your measurements then take the scaling down into account and adjust for that. Might even be able to script it if you're doing a lot of calculations. Now as for the imagery, Kerbal Maps imagery mightn't be so easy to extract, as it uses a slippy map style way of displaying the imagery, where the overall map is cut into lots of little tiles for multiple zoom levels and then displayed when the user zooms in on them, so it doesn't have to display the entire map at once which would be resource intensive for both server and client. So you could in theory try and download them, but they'll just be many, many tiles that you'd have to stitch into a single large image and then overlay. Next thought would be extracting the games map files and seeing if they're of a high enough resolution EDIT 2048x4096 is all you get out of the KerbinScaledSpace300.dds, so using the raw game files may not cut it. So perhaps contacting the creator of Kerbal Maps and asking politely if he might happen to have a full scale image of the highest zoom level available. I'll have a poke through the game files and see what I can figure.
  11. Seems like a really excellent idea for a plugin, like the results of it so far, though it appears the gif functionality on the site is resulting in a 404 error, and a lot of the mission details seem to be pretty sparse, such as distance traveled, top speed, etc. Definitely be keeping my eyes on this though.
  12. Have you created a topic on the support forums? If you share your log files, crash reports, all of that, you'll be well on your way to actually getting a solid result as to what the bug is, and a possible fix or workaround until it can be fully implemented by the devs. Whining about how bad the game is, and then getting aggressive with those that reply to you isn't going to help. If anything it makes you come off in a not so positive light.
  13. Yep, noticed this on stock and mod installs. It seems any time a right click menu causes visual changes in the VAB/SPH, it induces lag spikes. Such as changing light colors in stock, or adjusting fairings and landing gear via mods.
  14. It's stuff like that above. A stable 1.0 version of a game shouldn't just consistently crash, the memory leaks and issues should have been ironed out during beta, where there's a feature freeze and the updates are solely focused on bug fixes and general improvement. But beta only lasted one version, and even then new features were implemented, and then at launch, more new features in the stable build. The way Squad has shoehorned things into the game without taking a lot of time to just run through the issues and make sure the quality is good is one of the reasons the community is so upset, understandably.
  15. Big kick in the teeth for Elon on his 44th birthday.
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