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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I'll second this. I also run KSP 64bit on Linux and have had extremely few crashes and those were only caused by mods not behaving.
  2. I am running KSP 64bit on Linux Mint 17 and was getting something similar on my system. I also get the pink box on start up. I have a i7-4790k, Nvidia Geforce 780. I'm using the Nvidia proprietary drivers with AA turned on driver side (since it doesn't work game side).
  3. Please update texture replacer to the newest version. This is the same issue I was having. Updating TR fixed it.
  4. I was trying to use this on linux when I try to draft a twitch viewer I get the following error message: [EXC 22:27:18.421] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: startIndex System.String.Substring (Int32 startIndex) DraftTwitchViewers.DraftManagerApp.ParseIntoNameArray (System.String toParse, System.String parsingFrom) DraftTwitchViewers.DraftManagerApp+<DraftIntoKrew>d__1.MoveNext () If you need anything else I'll be happy to provide anything you need.
  5. Try xubuntu. It's an Ubuntu back end with a lightweight and very usable Windows manager. I'm running 14.04.1 and it's amazing. I also have 16GB of ram and an Nvidia video card.
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