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Everything posted by Atryaz_25609

  1. This looks amazing! One question though, Is this a part or a static object (Kerbal Konstructs)?
  2. I 'docked' a science platform onto an asteroid which was passing through the Kerbin system! ~
  3. I thought it was about time to introduce myself so Hi! My name is Atryaz, I am from the United Kingdom and I have been playing KSP for some time now (Since 0.20). Although I haven't quite grasped the art of rendezvous or interplanetary transfers, I still enjoy messing around and coming up with fun missions in sandbox mode. See you around!
  4. Please can my username be changed to: Atryaz_25609 Thanks!
  5. Awesome mod but I would recommend using it with KW Rocketry as the lack of 3.75M parts in the stock game makes it pretty useless.
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