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  1. All my models are based on refrence photos of real world facilites, or at least things that have been planned to exist and thus provide some reference material. Since Falcon Heavy doesn't actually launch from SLC-40, and there never was nor are currently any plans to do so, I have no plans to make a SLC-40 tower for Falcon Heavy. However, there are plans to build a crew access tower at SLC-40, so once that's build and I have reference material, I probably will add that. The misalignment you showed in your last post isn't an issue with the mod. The position the craft spawns on the pad is dependant on the position in the VAB. When you start a craft in the VAB, the first part starts centered along what I'll call the Z axis (up/down). My alignment of this mod is based off being centered in the Z axis. So as long as you don't move it off that axis, the alignment should work. Likely what happened to create your missalignment is you probably moved it off the Z axis by accident. There's an easy fix, just delete and replace the root part and take special attention to not move it off the Z axis. If you've built off the root part and it's complicated to rebuild, just temporarily change your root part to something else, delete and replace that, and then change the root back to what it should be.
  2. *Crawls out of the grave* Huh, I guess it's been a while. Quick personal life update to explain the absence. Last time I posted here (June 2020) I had just graduated from college, and quickly jumped straight into grad school. 2 years later (May 2022) I graduated from said endeavour, and a month later (June 2022) started working full time for REDACTED, so I've been busy. So am I back? Yes and no. I'll be back to more or less the same updates/modding frequency as before.... so modding when I feel like it, and posteding here when the time feels right. Although maybe this time without the nearly 3 year disapearing act. Aaaaanyway... Moving on to what y'all are probably more interested in than boring real life updates.... I don't see any reason why this mod wouldn't still work with 1.12.x, it's a pretty simple parts mod so it should have a good shelf life. However, if it happens to burst into flames one day, I'll do by best to find a fire extingusher. Once the appropriate rocket mods find there way into KSP2, I'll probably figure out how to push this over to that. In the meantime, I'm sticking with ol' reliable (KSP1), and I may have gone down the rabbit hole of something new:
  3. Is sciencepanda alright? I mean he seems inactive

    1. sciencepanda


      I am indeed alright. Thanks for your concern. See latest post on Launch Towers Pack for a brief explanation of where I’ve been.

  4. More or less dead. I couldn't do the textures any justice, and couldn't find anyone to do the textures for me. I saw no point in releasing it if it looked like complete trash. If anyone wants to help with the textures, I can probably dig up the old files and get it working in-game again.
  5. Add the contents of the Gamedata to Gamedata. If you're using the rescaled version of KK's spacex pack, then also add the patch in the Rescale folder. Note: the 39A parts only fit the KSC Extended 39A pad when using the rescale.
  6. If you're using the rescaled version of KK's mod, make sure you have the rescale patch for this mod in your gamedata folder. If you're not using the rescaled version, then make sure you don't. The Falcon Heavy config on 39A requires B9PartSwitch in order for it to work. If you're using pre-1.7 then the Falcon heavy config is a separate part and B9PartSwitch is not required.
  7. Another update: It was bugging me to have rainbirds without any water effects, so I added some. I'm very much a novice with particle effects, so if anyone has more experience and wants to lend a hand, I'd appreciate it. In the meantime, 1.7.3 is now on SpaceDock
  8. Welp, that didn't take long: For those using the stock launch pad, I added a variant (accessible with B9 part switch) that will fill in the gaps. Just gonna kick one or two bugs and fix a mistake on the TE model, and I should be able to push the update tonight or tomorrow. All done. Version 1.7.1 is now live on SpaceDock
  9. Yep, those are to be expected. I was rushing to get the crew dragon related updates releassed before DM-2, so a few minor bugs/glitches are to be expected.The B9 error is because I left something out of the config. Wasn't required to get it working, but I should probably fix it to get rid of the error warning. The floating is caused by the collider of the FSS. When you send a craft to the launch pad, KSP makes sure that any collider is above or at least flush with the surface of the launch pad. If it doesn't have a collider KSP is okay with it being below. In the real world the lower end of the FSS is significantly below the Transporter Erector (white tower) and Reaction Frame (grey base platform), so that's how I modeled it. If you use the model of 39A from KSC extended, thing's will look a bit more normal. The FSS won't appear to be floating anymore, and the floating TE/RF won't be as obvios. I'll add KSC Extended as a recomended mod on the front page to address this. I'm planning to model the rest of SpaceX's infestructure at 39A, which should bridge the bap between the RF and pad surface. However good pictures of that infestructure are hard to find to that may take some time. Like I said earlier, my goal was to get the modfied TE/RF and addition of the FSS and CAA released before DM-2, so some other planned features were sidelined to save time. I should be able to get started on them soon.
  10. Version 1.7 Now on Spacedock with Pad 39A Note: this mod now requires B9PartSwtich
  11. Another quick update: Falcon and Dragon are from KK's SpaceX Pack
  12. Good New! I retrieved my files and have started reworking the pads. Here's a little sneak peak:
  13. I've got to say, seriously love this update. However, one small request: would it be possible to make the Dragon docking ring retractable?
  14. Funny you should ask: I did that yesterday! Just a simple patch file to rescale the parts. You can find it here. Indeed it does. I'll update the header and SpaceDock page. I'm also looking at reworking the towers in this pack. I've got a few ideas. Unfortunatly I don't currently have access to my original source files, so any rework will have to wait. Starting from scratch just wouldn't make sense.
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