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Everything posted by Mr.Feather

  1. I'm back from a rather nasty system crash and a myriad of other problems. Its going to be a bit for me to install and get everything back to where it was.
  2. So I have a question for you guys. In addition to my (usually) daily mission updates, would you all like updates/screenshots on the random shenanigans I create and take part in on KSP?
  3. IM BACK! And with a spaceship design test for when I eventually plan on launching kerbins into space for Stage 2.
  4. There will not be any updates until about the 7th or 8th. Having to deal with personal issues. The project isn't canceled so don't worry!
  5. It could be worse. In my situation I would get those two connected and put them in any stable orbit, make a long range tug or refueling ship and send it to the rescue... But thats just me.
  6. Good news everyone! I have mapped Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus with both the Kethane and SCANsat arrays. To keep you all from scrolling more than what you normally do, I'm providing links to the images. Kerbin - http://tinypic.com/r/24ozk41/8 Mun - http://tinypic.com/r/ic21a9/8 Minmus - http://tinypic.com/r/1o63ax/8 Oh and I almost forgot, this is Helios and he'll be visiting Kerbol and possibly other bodies very soon. What's under the protective fairing you ask? A big ass probe. Helios Long Endurance Probe http://tinypic.com/r/1z23mt2/8
  7. Also forgot to mention that I will post the map images of Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus when all is said and done.
  8. The imaging arrays are actually not as large as they appear. I have a hubble telescope mod (for just for lulz than anything) and its a fair size, about the same size as Hermes.
  9. Im going to try and map the Mun and Minmus tonight (31st) and attempt to see if Kerbol itself can be mapped and scanned on Sunday. Moho or Eve will be next on Sunday or Tuesday depending on time.
  10. I plan on doing the Mun and Minmus tonight (the 31st) and I'll attempt Moho or Eve starting on Sunday. The most interesting thing I am going to attempt is the mapping of Kerbol and I am going to send an expeditionary probe on a suicide trip to see if its possible to scan the Sun.
  11. Ok I'm starting a long term project to map the entire solar system (planets and moons, hell maybe even the Sun if possible) with both the Kethane and SCANsat mods and establish a mobile mining and processing station on the planets and the occasional moon. I am eventually going to install the HOME mod for KSP and establish outpost on key terrestrial bodies. I've broken the mission down to three stages, each with smaller ops and missions. The first part is "Exploration" and its primary phase is to map out the planets and moons for landing sites and resources. Second stage will be "Foundation" and will be primarily focused on getting kerbins to the scouted planets and moons to set up temporary bases and refueling depots for deeper missions. The final stage is "Settlement" and will focus on making self sufficient bases and habitats for the kerbins. Will update periodically throughout the project with logs and screenshots if anyone is interested. :cool: Stage 1 Update: July 30th, 2014 Current Mission: Operation Vigilant Watch Notes: Launched "Operation Vigilant Watch" to map Kerbin and scan for Kethane and other materials. It took several attempts to design and get the probe into orbit around Kerbin, what with FAR making things a little challenging. I had done a prior test to determine the most efficient orbit for mapping and decided on Polar Sun Synchronous Orbit with a Periapsis of 95km and an Apoapsis of 96km (give or take about 100-800 meters) and my probe, which I have dubbed "Hermes", is cruising at a luxurious 2250 m/s. As it stands, Kerbin has been mapped roughly 65 percent. This is Hermes. http://oi60.tinypic.com/152niaq.jpg Update July 31, 2014 Current Mission: Operation New Horizon I Notes: Operation Vigilant Watch was a success with 98% of Kerbin being scanned for resources and mapped in 33 game days. I decided to launch Operation New Horizon today with a slightly modified version of the Hermes Probe. I shed a few items and rearranged parts of the probe to save weight and reduce fuel consumption in order to save as much fuel for the Mun (and maybe Minmus). I took a wild swing at the orbit and put it in a rough inclined lunar orbit at roughly 5 degrees inclination. I have plenty of mono-propellant and fuel to make necessary adjustments to scan all of the Mun. IF I can get to Minmus I'll post an update for Operation New Horizon. Oh and forgot to mention, this is Artemis, getting a good shot of Kerbin through her solar arrays. http://oi59.tinypic.com/qxqb82.jpg Update August 1, 2014 Current Mission: Research and Development Notes: First off the Mun Mapping Mission was a success with 99.7% of the Mun being mapped, the only problem being that Artemis lacks the fuel to get to Minmus, so a new probe will be launched on Saturday. It'll probably end up being a copy of Artemis so don't expect a screenshot unless I get an epic photo op. I plan on changing the design of future probes so I can avoid using the same design over and over. Thanks to those pesky bills and whatnot, I have to work today and won't be able to resume exploration until tomorrow. During this down time however, I will be researching new rocket designs, mods, miscellaneous facts about the planets, etc etc etc... If you have any interesting ideas for designs, missions, or anything, let me know. Update August 2, 2014 Current Mission: New Horizon II Notes: As I am typing this, Minmus is being mapped and so far, it has been the most troublesome to map thanks to its weird orbit and rotation. Luckily though it is scanning rather quickly thanks to its small size. An interesting note about Minmus that I have discovered is that it is extremely ripe in kethane and other materials for its small size. Orbit wise, Artemis II is in a polar synchronous orbit with an apoapsis of 220km and a periapsis of 200km and cruising at anywhere between 90-74 m/s. I did manage to snag a screen shot worthy photo. Artemis II in orbit over Minmus with Kerbin photobombing the shot. http://oi61.tinypic.com/29bnal3.jpg Update August 3, 2014 Current Operation: Purple Rain Notes: Well lassies and gents, the time to expand beyond Kerbin has arrived. I have made my heaviest and most technologically sophisticated probe to date, the Helios Long Endurance Probe. Whats in it? Well, lets say solar power isn't quite enough to power the engine. Don't worry, you'll see a screenshot of it when I get it in orbit around Eve here in a few minutes. "But Mr.Feather, why are you showing a screen cap now while its still on Kerbin?" Well, I am so damn proud of it I just want to share the size of this monstrosity to you all. If you have seen the other version of Helios that I have posted in the comments, you'll note that there is a different launch configuration. I admit I have done some prior testing to ensure that the rocket will make it and well, um, that version didn't quite make it. This design is untested, but the thrust should be more than enough to get it to Eve (or at least Kerbin orbit.) The Helios Long Endurance Probe http://oi61.tinypic.com/dzz3ma.jpg Update on Purple Rain: Got Helios in orbit and scanning. Took me two attempts thanks to a very thick and high atmosphere sucking my probe down to a flaming death. As I mentioned in the prior update, solar power isn't enough to power the new engine I have decided to use. Oh silly me, I forgot to mention that this is an Argon fueled Variable Thrust Plasma Engine. At full power it has a default thrust rating of 90. Need more oomph? Just change the level of electricity going into the engine and give yourself a 350 max thrust rating. Running off of argon gas, the whole set up will save you a crazy amount of weight and fuel use. Only two problems. One, its ....ing huge and two, it requires 25MW of continuous power to operate. Yeah, 25 MEGAwatts. Two words though that make it possible, nuclear reactor. Thank you Near Future Propulsion/Electrical mods for these. http://oi62.tinypic.com/35l7mv4.jpg Update August 10, 2014 Current Operation: Just Because Notes: After a week long hiatus, I'm back and this time taking a break from probing planets and using satellites. I am now going to start a series of manned launches to the Mun/Minmus to experiment with spaceship designs and drilling rigs that will make Stage 2 and 3 easier. The manned mission that was launched today was a test to see if using only boosters will launch an "interlunar" ferry into space. Yes, I said interlunar. This ships' primary function will be to ferry kerbins and resources to and from moons and well not be designed to re enter any planet with a thick atmosphere. If successful in its first interlunar trip (a full interlunar trip consisting of landing on the Mun, refueling, taking off and landing on Minmus, refueling once again, and returning to the Mun), this ship will kick off a the "Dionysus" line of spacecraft. Update August 13th, 2014 Current Operation: Sun Surfer Notes: It is time to take on my most ambitious project yet. Time to map the Sun. Obviously I will not be able to harvest Kethane on the Sun, but I will be able to map it completely for the lulz. Now way back in the start, I mentioned scanning the sun with a suicide probe. Well I did that and discovered the sun is "DAMNED" big. So big in fact that I ran the probe for 150 in game days and only managed 3% scanned. So, in light of that fact, I made a carrier ship that will launch 4 smaller probes to tackle the sun. The carrier craft, dubbed Hephaestus, ran into a problem will getting into orbit and ended up losing a crucial middle stage booster en route to a Kerbin orbit. As of now it is sitting at a lopsided, but stable, orbit with enough fuel to do absolutely jack.... (seriously, can't even retrograde into a crash course with Kerbin) and I have sent a second craft, Aphrodite, to rendezvous with Hephaestus and get it to Kerbol. Just waiting on MechJeb to hurry up through its maneuver nodes and get me within docking distance. Here is the crippled Hephaestus... ... and his savior Aphrodite. Also, any suggestions, comments, concerns, or ideas, even if they are hypocritical, are welcome.
  12. I am brand new to the forums, but I've been playing KSP since about .20 and I've now decided to join the forums. Ok after realizing how bland this post is, going to add some info. 21 year old father of 1 and married, nationally registered EMT, firefighter student, in the National Guard, and working as an EMT, Public Corrections officer, and part time Grammar ..... I found out about KSP after finishing basic training in 2012. Been playing it off and on since then. I am looking forward to seeing what these forums has to offer and what I can contribute to them as well.
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