First off, so freaking disappointed I didn't pick this game up sooner! I'm slowly losing my social life thanks to KSP, and I'm still just practicing orbital rendezvous and docking! Anyway, off to my question - I've recently noticed that when I hover over a part in the VAB (not in the actual part list, but when the part has actually been placed in the VAB) I get a part info label that pops up. Also, in the lower left hand corner, I'm now noticing a Delta V and TWR readout just to left of the COL icon. Anyone have any idea if these were introduced with the last major update, or either of the hotfixes? I didn't see anything that references these changes in the change logs, so perhaps it was added by a mod? Hoping someone knows where they may have come from, and perhaps how to disable them if possible? Worst case scenario I'll start removing each mod that I suspect may have added them, but am hoping someone here will know. I don't particularly mind the part labels when hovering over the part, but the dV and TWR readout text at lower left are covered and unreadable since I use Simple Part Organizer, and it's icons are covering the readouts. If anyone can give me a heads up on what mod may have added these, or if it was one of the recent KSP updates it'd be most appreciated! Thanks! Ty