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Everything posted by DanilloRaptor-SVK

  1. Hi... why is fuel boil off just when you speed-up time x10000 and more? having lot of power (using reactors)
  2. HI pls. This mod is good but pls ...I have still not have enought el. power. I used lot of solar panels so I had lot of power, BUT when I speed up time for max ...hydrogen is boil off again and very quckly. Do you have any tips for this situation ?
  3. Hello I am new here. I play kerbal probably 5 months (3month with mods and 2month without mods...hm i use only mechjeb mod now-for docking ) but now I don´t have a lot of time to playing. I use 64bit version 24.2version. By the way my english is not very good so I am sorry for my mistakes :-) Here is some screenshot what I done 1. Eeloo landing 3. Duna station 5.Moon orbit station http://imgupload.sk/images/5/5/55ad32mvxn9b3mvdeeru_thumb.jpg' alt='55ad32mvxn9b3mvdeeru_thumb.jpg'> so hello everybody :-)
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