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Everything posted by Xyrus

  1. Ah. I usually strut my boosters so haven't really noticed anything. It did seem the kick was a little off but didn't think much of it since the boosters still fall clear of the rocket.
  2. What decoupler issue? I haven't noticed any issues with decouplers, even with my big Jool multi-mission rockets.
  3. That same argument could be made for many mods. I'd rather be able to tailor the game to exactly how I like to play rather than have Squad tell me what they think easy, normal, and hard mode should be.
  4. There is a balance between realism and fun. Too little and it becomes basically a kid's toy. Too much and you end up with a very limited player base. No one want's a "press a button and your on the moon!" game, but at the same time no one wants to play a game that requires a Ph.D in physics and engineering just to be able to get a rocket off the launchpad or plane off a runway without it falling apart or exploding. Squad has been trying to find that balance that appeals to the largest audience with the stock game, something not easily done with a game like this. In my opinion they're making decent progress towards that goal. But there's no pleasing everyone. Some are going to want more realism others will want less. Some will want more realism in only certain aspects of the game, and less in others. For example, some may want more realistic aerodynamics for planes, but don't necessarily want to deal with life support issues. In those cases, if people want more or less realism, then they can create and/or use mods to do so. It's Squad's game, and I'm pretty sure they aren't ignoring the user community. If they think a particular modification will enhance it's appeal to a broader player base (i.e., SP+) then they'll add it. If they don't, then they won't.
  5. That feeling you get when you plan a Jool penta-mission, build the ship, launch it perfectly, set up a perfect encounter, get to your first target for deploying your first satellite (Tylo in this case), get a circularized polar orbit, start collecting science, and.....realize that you forgot to add communication equipment. On every. single. satellite. *facedesk* Things like that make me want to write a Grandma Kerbal mod. She'd pop up and say things like "Remember to deploy your solar panels before time warp!", "Unless you like confetti at your launches, tuck those solar panels in!", "That probe isn't going to do much without an antenna!", and "Lithobraking is bad for your kerbals. Are you sure you don't need chutes on that lander?"
  6. It was past midnight so technically today, I finally finished getting my pet asteroid "Biggin'" (Class D) into a circular Kerbin polar orbit of 250K. That took a lot of dV to do. It may eventually become the core of a large station.
  7. Tried sending a probe to Duna for the first time. Ended up at Jool.
  8. Official entry. Again, all stock with only EVE/Better Atmospheres. This time Bill decided to put his phone in airplane mode and pay attention.
  9. My K.I.S.S Circumnavigator. Doesn't take anything fancy. All stock. Just have EVE running for better eye candy. However, never fly while distracted. I wasn't paying enough attention and a couple of times Bill decided to fly out of the envelope. Made it with a safe margin of fuel (and this design can glide for a looong time) and landed safely, but while coasting on the runway I...er...Bill decided to respond to a text without paying attention to which button he was pushing. Instead of pressing BRAKE, he pressed GEARS. This of course resulted in several parts of the jet finding something better to do. Bill just looked at the camera with a look that said "What did I do?" Anyway, will be re-doing this flight.
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