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Everything posted by XedMada

  1. I've never had to migrate large projects over to 64b before, but it does take some effort in most frameworks. As with so many things in software development, its likely just a matter of priorities. Unity 4.2 was released quite a while ago, and it was rather solid not long after. In situations like this the best motivator (after technical obsolescence) is user demand. I'm still quite new to KSP, but i'm already hitting memory walls thanks to the wonderful add-ons the community has contributed. Migrating to 64bit would be a lot easier than implementing better resource handling, which would also be greatly appreciated. +1 OSX 64b Unity standalone please
  2. HAH! You are correct, sir! I'm going to claim thats why it took me four hours to dock my space port together... makes perfect sense. Broken equipment. Yep. Wonder how long it would have taken me to notice that. Obviously longer than 24 hours. Correction replaced with slightly better and worse cardinal direction letters.
  3. Agreed, this is certainly worthy of its own add-on thread. I'm a little surprised replacing the navball graphic wasn't included in EnhancedNavBall. In an effort to make my first forum post as much of a contribution as a week-old newbie can, I present my custom navball designed for _low_ contrast, relieving the higher priority navigation markers. It is heavily influenced by 5thHorseman's minimalist navball design: A second iteration is in the works replacing the cardinal direction letters' typeface for a clearer distinction between E & W.
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