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Everything posted by NedStar

  1. Loving it so far, been messing about with it since yesterday. I did spot a small oversight regarding the DMPModcontrol.txt !partlist, some of the newer items from 24.x haven't made it into the list yet. Afaik the only new parts are vernierEngine and OMSEngine. Beyond that we did get stuck in our ship a few times with no way to get back to the spacecenter. Relog fixed it and having multiple players close by each other causes it to happen more frequently. I spotted this on the bug tracker so I reckon this is WIP. I've also lost one of my ships doing a player > player docking. Upon docking the other player no longer saw my craft while it was nicely docked on my end. Relogging caused my craft to disappear. Docking without an active player in the other craft works just fine.
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