Project: CrossBow Sequence Number: 1 Mission Commander: Jeb Kerbin Mission Supervisor: Gene Kerbin Commander's Report: I can't believe we did this on the first go - I actually got out to another planet, it's remarkable. Tell the tech guys that the stasis system works brilliantly, I slept right through the launch, transit and landing - in both directions. I wouldn't have minded spending some time at the controls, but the bosses say that will come later and they just wanted to make sure I could open the hatch by myself. So, yeah, my report - I forget what the other planet's name is, but you know where I went already. It looks remarkably like KSC - I wasn't actually able to get a soil sample, but there was some stuff on the metal grill that the ship had landed on. Wasn't sure about the atmosphere, so I kept the helmet on just in case. Return trip uneventful, and the auto-pilot got the ship back to where we started. Where next, guys? Supervisor's Report: Seriously, did no-one brief Jeb on the systems test?