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Everything posted by dazza

  1. thanks pal, i should mention that if i don't my game crashes upon trying to enter spaceplane hanger, it isnt the whole mod just the warpplugin file.
  2. hi there maybe one of you guys can help me, im haveing a very unusual problem, here goes at least once a day i have to re install the interstellar mod this is getting very tiresome and just a complete pain here is the crash log. <a href=http://www.filedropper.com/2014-10-02191208><img src=http://www.filedropper.com/download_button.png width=127 height=145 border=0/></a><br /><div style=font-size:9px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;width:127px;font-color:#44a854;> <a href=http://www.filedropper.com >file storage online</a></div>
  3. Hi there thanks for the speedy reply, just as you were replying i fixed the issue, it appears to be with stock parts. i did not load b9 as i am trying to keep my memory usage down, after installing b9 i relised the problem is with stock parts, specifically the stock aerodynamic parts adding b9 removes the need to use stock parts and has provided a somewhat temporary fix that i am happy with, thanks again for the reply this work is amazing and has added huge amounts of fun (and rage) to the game.
  4. Hi I hope someone here can help me, i have recently updated to .24.2 and i am having some trouble with FAR, the problem is with the center of lift i have launched multiple rockets in .23.5 with FAR and i am quite fine doing that, but this has stopped me from updating as i hate the standard physics. as i have said th problem appears to be with the center of lift it is way high on my rockets like well above the center of mass on rockets that launched fine on .23 i have uploaded a screenshot to show what i mean, please someone help i want to play the new mode but cannot as i am unable to actually fly, yes i have updated FAR. Thank you
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