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Everything posted by APaleHorse

  1. My only complaint is that one of the added Rockomax engines lists "The glorious Rockomax Conglomerate" as the maker, and it's quite a chore to try to figure out what files to remove or change to rectify or remove this. Otherwise, I love the aesthetics. Suggestion: if it's possible, with what you're doing here, I would like to see parts compartmentalized more. I remember several versions ago, I preferred certain original parts, so I kept those instead. With some other parts packs, I like to remove parts I don't use to save space. I'd like to be able to do that with this mod again. I don't know how feasible that would be, since I don't have any intimate knowledge of how Kerbal mods work in general, let alone this particular mod (which seems to be somewhat unique.) If this could be done, though, I think my few, very minor complaints about the mod would be completely fixed. Other than the Rockomax engine maker field issue (sorry if this isn't actually yours but from elsewhere, I believe it was your quad nuclear engine though, since I did a quick uninstall to check and couldn't find the offending engine) my only other "issue" is with the LFO Mk 1 fuselage, which is just a part I don't need due to Interstellar Fuel Switch and my general design choices. Like I said, I'm a big fan, I would just love the mod even more if a few minor things could be tweaked. I really don't care about extraneous parts as much as the maker field bug bothers me. This minor inconsistency somewhat ruins the otherwise very realistic feel of the mod, but only just. I imagine this is something that could very easily be fixed, but I have no idea where to go in the files to do so.
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