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Everything posted by guischmitd

  1. Ok, trying that now. The KW Rocketry "wrong folder" is empty now, I noticed I messed it up so just fixed it and left the empty one there hahaha EDIT: It worked! (: Thanks, apparently there's nothing a clean reinstall won't fix haha
  2. Well I've spent my afternoon on this post and found some pseudo-useful info for my problem but I can't solve it definitely. The thing is: I've extracted RT2 several times to my GameData folder (including modulemanager.2.2.2.dll and everything in the .zip) but it just doesn't seem to work. Is there anything I'm supposed to do with modulemanager2.2.2.dll apart from copying it to /GameData folder? Symptoms: *I have all RT2 parts available, but none of them seem to work (can't open context menus with right click) *I can still control any probe (it doesnt matter wether it has transmitting devices) *I can see the new buttons on Map view and the red dot at KSC, but nothing else (when I open the sat list on the right side of the screen, a grey empty box shows up, even though I launched several sats) *Even when starting a new carrer/sandbox nothing seems to change From what I've found here already, my modulemanager isnt doing what it's supposed to (whatever that is). I'm running KSP on Steam, Windows 8.1 (blargh) x64 (I don't know if the game version is x64 or x86) My KSP Folders: http://imgur.com/a/jJWtZ Does anyone have any ideas?
  3. http://sploid.gizmodo.com/nasa-reveals-new-impossible-engine-can-change-space-t-1614549987?utm_campaign=socialflow_gizmodo_facebook&utm_source=gizmodo_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow Like any respected KSP Engineer, I did some research on my backyard and found a pretty clover, but nothing about this tech, so I had to go to that weird place some people call "~the interwebs~" and what not: http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2014-07/31/nasa-validates-impossible-space-drive http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_vacuum_plasma_thruster So yeah, too complex for me, but HEY! maybe someone here can help us understand it! My only conclusion so far is: Quantum Mechanics = :cool::cool: When can we see one of these in-game? HAHAHAHA to heck with them ion thrusters! yours truly, A fellow Kerbonaut
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