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Everything posted by Rashim

  1. Yehaaa!! Problem solved, but i would never got to this by the logfile. the was a Camdock Kerman Debries nearby from when the poor Camdock fell on his nose. Just out of curiosety i deleted this strange Debries, cause camdock was doing fine anyway. and... the error disapeared. So i quess it has something to with Livesupport consumption and having two Camdock Kerbal parts. Good i solved it before V.90, when it will be pointless anyway.
  2. I thought so: Yeah I'm great fan of your mods I deleted and reinstalled your modpackages. i had extraplanetary launchpad installed, but it doesn't changend anything in the logfile as far as i could see. and i haven't edited the cfgs myself. I tried without the OSRX folder.. and that actually solved the zeroframebug, but the drills weren't working. Surprisingly they were loaded and in place tough. MKS Drill I and II This is the ksp protokol: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByPMrLCuHbMHdEY1WWZ6bHFDWkE/view?usp=sharing I just build the same rover again, and it is working fine on kerbal, no error in the log file, everyrhing working fine. Just like the otherone on mun does bevor one day it produced the error. So one is working fine, and one not. Here's a pic of it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByPMrLCuHbMHX291azloMXUtU00/view?usp=sharing
  3. So since afew days i get strange behavior and i think its because of OSRX.. I have alot of diffrent Tanks and drills on a rover, and only this rover brings the game nearly to freeze. The log says: [EXC 15:27:58.866] IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. ORSX.ORSX_AnimationGroup.get_ActiveAnimation () ORSX.ORSX_AnimationGroup.PlayDeployAnimation (Int32 speed) ORSX.ORSX_AnimationGroup.SetRetractedState (Int32 speed) ORSX.ORSX_AnimationGroup.CheckAnimationState () ORSX.ORSX_AnimationGroup.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) PartModule.Load (.ConfigNode node) Part.LoadModule (.ConfigNode node, System.Int32& moduleIndex) ProtoPartModuleSnapshot.Load (.Part hostPart, System.Int32& moduleIndex) ProtoPartSnapshot.Load (.Vessel vesselRef, Boolean loadAsRootPart) ProtoVessel.LoadObjects () Vessel.Load () Vessel.Update () [EXC 15:27:58.867] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Part.ModulesOnStart () Part+ .MoveNext () [EXC 15:27:58.867] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Part.ModulesOnStart () Part+ .MoveNext () [EXC 15:27:58.992] IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. ORSX.ORSX_AnimationGroup.get_ActiveAnimation () ORSX.ORSX_AnimationGroup.PlayDeployAnimation (Int32 speed) ORSX.ORSX_AnimationGroup.SetRetractedState (Int32 speed) ORSX.ORSX_AnimationGroup.CheckAnimationState () ORSX.ORSX_AnimationGroup.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) PartModule.Load (.ConfigNode node) Part.LoadModule (.ConfigNode node, System.Int32& moduleIndex) ProtoPartModuleSnapshot.Load (.Part hostPart, System.Int32& moduleIndex) ProtoPartSnapshot.Load (.Vessel vesselRef, Boolean loadAsRootPart) ProtoVessel.LoadObjects () Vessel.Load () Vessel.Update () and so on till the ram is full. It was working fine... no updates to ORS since then and suddenly this happens.
  4. It was the wheels. I thank you all. i used to attach them 45° sideways for safer takeoff, but that was some patches ago. putting thm straight down solved the issue. And yeah.. Cow is cooler then Com. Allways watch your Cow
  5. Struts did help i figured that out. The wheels .. uhm.. worked great with 2.2 i'll try that later.
  6. Maybe the Cow (centerof weight) is to far in the back and should be more in the center of the craft?
  7. Ok so this is it.. its shaking and falling over by about 70m/s this is with carbonite engines but its the same with stock parts. I like to mess around
  8. Occurs with and without mods. at around 70m/s. Must be a designerror, but i can't figure it out. Right now, after i asked for helped it worked just fine.. like all the month before. screenshot follows next failure.
  9. Hi there, spacepilots, I have a curios problem i can't solve. Ervery spaceplane i build starts to shake an falls over after a few meters down the runway. regardles if i use 3 or 4 wheels. Its completly symetrical and the lift is right behind and above the center of weight. the only model i got up was realy wide and heavy at he wingtips where the wheels where. Anyone got an idea on this?
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