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Everything posted by CG_Kerbin

  1. space coffee XD this is wonderful
  2. aww these are really nice! but sadly i cant get the bi plane to work when i detach the proppeler it messes up the whole craft can you help
  3. i know but id like to see them how they were intended to look
  4. Love this so much !!! but sadly kerbpaint does not work for me
  5. thank you!- - - Updated - - - very interesting
  6. here is my video where i do it in ksp id like to know what if gilly hit kerbin at 1,000m/s what would be the consequences and what might kerbin look like like after wards and if the kerbals could survive the revenge of gilly! and if you know what would happen if gilly hit earth at 1,000m/s would we survive thank you im just interested! (just out of interest what if duna hit Kerbin/Earth)
  7. yes i went there in a car for a challenge
  8. These look awesome can you make a flag for the tallest mountain on kerbin please
  9. CG_Kerbin


    You are very kind thank you
  10. I would buy all the ksp Lego no questions asked as long as it comes with a complimentary kerbal
  11. that's a very similar reason why I voted for it. I think it's the most pretty
  12. well spotted they are moons but I said they are allowed just to be fair on them
  13. Aw poor dres always lonely. dres needs a friend for sure
  14. 1) Tell me what your Favourite planet is? 2) You can right a long paragraph or a short sentence 3) and it can be moons as well 4) and support your planet 5) Have fun
  15. XD I'm dying from laughter that's the best piece of art ever !!! Rep for you
  16. Well the kerbals made the suits so there not going to be the best. These are the same people that send people in a giant rocket with no testing
  17. Just roll with it like I always do it's fun to see what happens
  18. My new advert I made for vagani http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92701-Vagani-Car-Manufacturers-Get-Inspired-Third-Challenge%21% http://i.imgur.com/YTtxPbg.png
  19. My new advert I made for vagani http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92701-Vagani-Car-Manufacturers-Get-Inspired-Third-Challenge%21% http://i.imgur.com/YTtxPbg.png
  20. Can you put a price on a amazing fabulous game like this
  21. All I know is a lot of kerbal's are going to die on that day
  22. One of my friends came round and he had a go at ksp and he got the hang of it but he just attach the biggest engine on a little chair and fired it there was mass kerbal death and explosions he found it the funniest thing ever
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