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Everything posted by CG_Kerbin

  1. That is really cool!,I know what I'm flying today
  2. got to love laythe especially with environmental enhancements
  3. yeah i love minmus as well being able to jump like 8 meters is awsome
  4. spartwo summed it up so well a great piece of art
  5. Oh ok thank you I was a bit lost with what it did thank you ( sorry I can only have 10 different options any idea how I could get more on it?)
  6. I've been thinking does a planet having oxygen make any diffrence? Because they always have there helmets on that has oxygen so what is the difference is it just the atmosphere is different?
  7. yes with hyper edit it's rather easy! For instance I made every planet and moon orbit round kerbin its very cool to see like 20 moons go past! I can send you the video if you want?
  8. oh yeah I saw that one! It was very interesting! I wish they did move out of orbit I could have so much fun
  9. yes It would mostlikley do that XD I think you can change the roation speed with hyper edit I might try that at some point
  10. The new youtube layout is really good it's so logical and not stupid in any way
  11. that's really cool shot and craft good job man
  12. What could it be? My guess a movie where the kerbal's on that our the last alive or somthing? Who knows what you could be up to?
  13. Also what do you think would happen if kerbins rotation speed was the speed of light?
  14. Yea I dud CG_Signature a brand new explosion for my collection
  15. that's awesome wow how did you do that
  16. Thank you i love that i can go into the game files and do what ever i want i also made a engine that has 1,000,000 thrust boy was that fun
  17. Whats the biggest explosions you have ever done post it here i cant wait to see the new explosions in actions have fun My attempt [if your interested what i did. i set the fuel cans so they explode at will so i can detonated them when i want! my new favorite thing to do!] 1) you can post pictures 2) or videos
  18. Ok thank you no I can use your painted crafts yay
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