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Everything posted by Jett_Quasar

  1. My first build in V1.4 The pure stock craft file has been posted to KerbalX here: https://kerbalx.com/Jett_Quasar/StratoLaunch-Mun - Jett
  2. My first build in V1.4 - Jett EDIT: The craft file has now been posted to KerbalX here: https://kerbalx.com/Jett_Quasar/StratoLaunch-Mun
  3. My latest ship design is a real BLAST! You can download both the stock and modded versions of the craft here: https://kerbalx.com/Jett_Quasar/craft - Jett
  4. CatastrophicFailure got it right, it's based on the design of the Falcon in the new Han Solo movie (which is set 10 years before the original Star Wars movie). I'm not sure why that extra part is on the front of the ship but I'm starting to really like the new design. - Jett Edit: Also I'm going to just put this here: - Jett
  5. Should this be my new Millennium Falcon? - Jett
  6. I don't see torpedoes being any different in the Star Wars universe - maybe a re-skinning and beefing up the exhaust plume. I haven't looked at it yet but anything is possible. I already have 4 different laser turrets in the mod including one that I designed specifically to be mounted on the Falcon and it worked great in testing! I'm also working on some more videos that will showcase all of the different lasers currently included in the mod. I've just updated the file version to V1.1 with some minor changes and bug fixes which have been tested in V1.3.1 - Jett
  7. Laser Mod OVERVIEW This add-on includes the following additional laser guns: - X-wing laser cannon - Tie fighter laser cannon - Orange laser cannon - White laser cannon - Blaster turret (red) - Phaser turret (green) - Vulcan laser turret (yellow) - Heavy laser cannon (green) - Ion cannon (blue) - Phaser Cannon (red) - Blaster Cannon (green) - plus more experimental lasers This parts add-on requires the BD Armory mod to function. Download the BD Armory mod here: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases .. Download the Star Wars Laser Add-on here: https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/star-wars-laser-add-on-to-bd-armory?gameCategorySlug=ksp-mods&projectID=288916 This mod add-on has now been tested in V1.3.1 - Jett
  8. To mod or not to mod? that is the question... Answer: MOD!!!! I've created a new hangar for my Modded Star Wars stuff here: https://kerbalx.com/hangars/31622 - Jett
  9. I had to do a follow-up video for the Falcon Heavy Launcher - and this time it is a KSP video. - Jett
  10. Cool! Unfortunately once a video has been uploaded I'm not able to edit it to add captions, however there is a note at the end of the video indicating that it contains both actual footage along with computer simulations. Also, I have updated the description with a note on the center booster landing. - Jett
  11. LOL, I did the video before I found out the center stage crashed. I've been waiting for somebody to call me out on that one; you're the first. - Jett
  12. It's not really KSP, but I put together a highlight reel for the Falcon Heavy launch... it's pretty great! - Jett
  13. Just uploaded my latest design... Download on KerbalX.com now. - Jett
  14. Kaputchin! Download on Kerbal-X here: https://kerbalx.com/Jett_Quasar/Kaputchin - Jett
  15. Kaputchin! Download on Kerbal-X here: https://kerbalx.com/Jett_Quasar/Kaputchin - Jett
  16. Today I finished up my Lunar Observatory build and posted it to Kerbal-X along with a new video. You can download the craft files here: All craft include launchers Lunar Observatory - https://kerbalx.com/Jett_Quasar/Lunar-Observatiory Sidekick - https://kerbalx.com/Jett_Quasar/SideKick Stryker - https://kerbalx.com/Jett_Quasar/Stryker - Jett
  17. Today I finished up my Lunar Observatory build and posted it to Kerbal-X along with a new video. You can download the craft files here: Lunar Observatory - https://kerbalx.com/Jett_Quasar/Lunar-Observatiory Sidekick - https://kerbalx.com/Jett_Quasar/SideKick Stryker - https://kerbalx.com/Jett_Quasar/Stryker - Jett
  18. I tried a few different things but nothing looked right... It's not bad the way it is now but if you want to make some changes, go nutz! - Jett
  19. Today I updated my basic Tie Fighter design on Kerbal-X. The new craft file has better performance, more firepower, lower part count and an overall better design than the original. You can download the new file HERE. I also am working on several new tie and X-Wing variants (all craft are pure stock VTOL replicas). New Tie Fighter Resistance X-Wing Tie Inquisitor Z95-Headhunter - Jett
  20. Today I updated my basic Tie Fighter design on Kerbal-X. The new craft file has better performance, more firepower, lower part count and an overall better design than the original. You can download the new file HERE. I also am working on several new tie and X-Wing variants (all craft are pure stock VTOL replicas). New Tie Fighter Resistance X-Wing Tie Inquisitor Z95-Headhunter - Jett
  21. The following craft files have been uploaded to my Star Wars Hanger on Kerbal-X: Kylo Ren's Tie Silencer (Stock SSTO) AT-M6 Ski Speeder Resistance Bomber - Jett
  22. The following craft files have been uploaded to my Star Wars Hanger on Kerbal-X: Kylo Ren's Tie Silencer (Stock SSTO) AT-M6 Ski Speeder Resistance Bomber Z3-R0 See them all in action in my latest video: - Jett
  23. Today I uploaded my new video featuring designs from The Last Jedi - Jett
  24. Today I uploaded my new video featuring designs from The Last Jedi - Jett
  25. I posted my Marauder and Von Richthofen video today. (Well actually its a repost but one of the classics). As always you can download the craft files from Kerbal-X. - Jett
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