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Everything posted by Jett_Quasar

  1. Sweet! So while you're waiting for Star Citizen to come out you can fly one of these JR
  2. Ya MecJeb is pretty common, I've downloaded some craft files before and couldn't get them to work because there needed to be a specific mod (or version of a mod) that I didn't have loaded on my system. So I decided to just work with the stock game and try to make these ships as useful as possible. For the most part the ones pictured in this thread are warships - I just haven't armed them yet. JR
  3. Good to know... I noticed you called it KSC West, is that the official name? (I called it KSP North - I was going to call it Kerbinsk but I didn't think anyone would understand what I was talking about) JR
  4. That's an awesome collection of mods, are you planning on packaging them so that you just need to install it once? JR
  5. It takes a lot of dV to re-orient your orbit from polar to equatorial. Your probes might deal with it OK because of how their designed but it's probably not the most efficient method - it's best to come in on an equatorial orbit that way you use less dV and your path crosses the orbits of most of the moons. And I think somebody covered this already but areobraking is also extremely helpful, but I read somewhere that you should do it at Laythe not Jool... I'll see if I can find the link. JR
  6. When I try to launch any craft from the VAB of my Kerbin save game it gives this message: Anyway, I'm just wondering if anyone tried this and got the weird error message. I was going to set up a challenge to see who could launch the most payload into orbit from the old launch facility without using edits, but if this error comes up I should warn people about it. JR
  7. Doing a physics warp (Alt + >) will speed up the game and allow your Kerbal to appear to walk faster - less boring on long jaunts. JR
  8. You can actually use nukes to get into orbit, the efficiency is about the same as a mainsail at about 3500m. The thrust to weight is crappy but if you kick them in after that height the isp is 350-400 good enough to take advantage of the extra boost. JR
  9. Banned for not being part of the Dark Brotherhood!
  10. My biggest and most Badass in the fleet is the Dreadnaut - SSTO! All KSP images have been moved here. JR (Updated with the only pic of the old craft that I'm keeping)
  11. ...and banned because I've been Ninja'ed JR
  12. ... and the answer to every question is: "Add more rockets!" JR
  13. These are Kerbals you don't need to be brave, or even know what you're doing, just do it! Jr
  14. Banned for using the word Green... and Red! JR
  15. But don't get me wrong I love mods, I think they're great and I have used them before, I just prefer to work in the stock game when designing stuff like this so I can easily share it with anyone... JR
  16. No hyperedit, I don't use any mods or cheats of any kind for any of my designs - as a matter of fact the Dreadnaut and the Blockade Runner are SSTO's. They're all launched from the VAB, I just put them in the hangar to get a "Group Photo". JR
  17. And I'm not sure if I said this but it's all stock. JR
  18. Star Wars is definitely a huge influence, I started with the blockade runner from the first movie, and most of the other stuff is basically copied from games like Homeworld and Eve and Empire at War (with my own changes of course). JR
  19. You guys are great, LOL! A ring base, sweet - I like how all the antennae face inward almost like a big dish made out of smaller ones. Can't wait to see it finished, you make me want to do some more base building of my own. I've been distracted by challenges, but I'll get back to this right away JR
  20. It's not that bad, I'm running on a laptop - I try to keep part counts low. The worst offender is the Dreadnaut at 700+. JR
  21. I wanted to get a sense of scale comparing all my ships together, and since the 7 here have over 2500 parts, getting them together in space would be pretty much impossible so I stuck them all in the hangar at once. It's pretty crowded already, I guess I'll have to post the other half of my fleet in part II. JR
  22. ... and from the other angle All KSP images have been moved here. JR
  23. Here's what I got in my hangar... All KSP images have been moved here. JR
  24. Check it out... Mun City All KSP images have been moved here. JR
  25. That's some awesome gear. I love the ramps up to the habs - I was going to use that in my next design for a domed city on Duna. You guys keep using my ideas before I get a chance to show anybody. I like your architecture too it's different than most of the standard stuff. One of my favourite things about KSP is that's based on real technology - but there's this gap between what's real and games like Planetside and Eve. That's the gap I want to fill and it starts with design. JR
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