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Everything posted by Shadowsteps

  1. While we can agree to disagree on that single point, I would say that these fall in the same category. Infinitely more useful things for the devs to be doing with their time.
  2. Out of the NUMEROUS things that need to be made stock (life support, dv readout, radar altimeter on the main screen, center of pressure indicator, simulation mode to name a few) this would be very, very far down the list.
  3. I still have yet to ever see loading hints on my computer. Seen it when other people play, never on mine.
  4. The sun is defined (as in, written in the dictionary) as "the star around which earth orbits". So until Kerbin becomes Earth, the star in KSP is, by definition, not the sun.
  5. You are running into the same problem Elon is going to in the next 5 years.
  6. I am still on 1.0.5. Too many mods I use aren't updated, the text is difficult to read and UI scaling is way off in 1.1, and gears/landing legs are still iffy.
  7. Not sure if this is what you were going for but: Any time I attach SRB's (or separating, radial boosters of any kind) i put the decoupler at the top of the booster, instead of at the middle and attach a strut at the bottom.
  8. Does anyone else listen to music while playing KSP? I had an awesome moment today when I had Jeb coming in from Duna (my first manned interplanetary return on this career save) and right as I was coming in for reentry, Titan Spirit came on. Lead to the most epic sounding mission conclusion I've ever had in KSP. Do any of you listen to music while playing KSP or is the stock soundtrack good enough for you?
  9. Anyone else having an issue of the parts being in the tech tree, unlocked, but not being in the VAB?
  10. For anyone wondering, you have to actually be in flight to edit the FlightUI elements, it can't be done from any of the other settings menus.
  11. For those who have the issue of the 1.0.5 version of the mod not seeming to be installed (despite it being in your gamedata folder) change your version of modulemanager to 2.6.13, that worked for me.
  12. Anyone else not able to use the 1.0.5 version (1.6.9) at all? No antennas, no flight computer, nothing. It's like I don't even have the mod installed.
  13. Well remember that many people already get to play it, so it doesn't matter to them whether or not it gets officially released.
  14. Yeah I'm pretty sure that's where I got their answer to that haha! Given that their time is limited I understand that they can't implement everything we ask for. Maybe I'm wrong but I feel this would be a 1-2 devday project that would provide a massive quality of life benefit to players.
  15. Just stating what reasons the devs have given for why there isn't a stock DV readout.
  16. The devs have said that the TWR/DV readout has complications, edge cases where it becomes incredibly complex to calculate the true Delta V of the rocket, with engines in different vectors etc. As a stock feature it would be expected to accurately account for all of that. This, however, is so much simpler. It's a value already calculated in the game, all it needs is a display on the main screen.
  17. It would be incredibly useful if we could switch between the altimeter and and radar altimeter (height above sea level and height above terrain) on the main screen. I know you can see it from IVA, but switching back and forth as you are landing is a pretty big pain. It seems like this would be a really easy thing to implement. Is there a reason they haven't done this yet?
  18. This is incredibly disappointing, though not surprising.
  19. From Ted in the Development Relay post on Jul 22, 2015: "The first feature is probe telemetry. With this, a probe must establish a connection back to Kerbin or another 'control point' via an antenna part in order to operate - be controlled by the player, or active in any way. These control points are the planet Kerbin, or a craft with an antenna, a pilot Kerbal, and optionally a large probe core. " Has this changed since then?
  20. I know the devs said they were planning on having the range of the Deep Space Network vary with difficulty. They didn't explicitly say how it would vary (or at least I couldn't find it) so I'd like to recommend that they have a slider for altitude (going from 0 to just beyond Minmus) allowing us to set exactly how far the DSN goes. That way those who want to set up their own network can set it to ~20km and not have the RemoteTech problem of losing control of probes as they are about to land on kerbin (and their relay sats drop below the horizon), while players who don't want to make their own network can set it to cover all of kerbins SOI.
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