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Posts posted by wossname

  1. For future reference, the more specialized mods are required to participate in a challenge, the less likely it is that people will participate.

    I agree with this. Also, the more mods are present, the further from KSP we venture and thus become less universal in our goals.

    There is something to be said for the purist approach.

    Although to be honest, this close to the KSP 1.0 launch, I think that most challenges will fall by the wayside for a few days while people get used to the new world order of KSP "The Full Game".

  2. Your task is to build a typical "4 wheel excavator / backhoe" and land it on the Mun, in preparation for constructing a snack manufacturing plant on the Munar surface.

    I'm thinking something like this:


    Requirements to fulfill the challenge:

    • The excavator must have a working front excavator comprising exactly two articulated joints.
    • The excavator must have a working rear excavator comprising at least two articulated joints.
    • There must be a driver's seat in the cab (but you can also put in a drone core if it helps you to land the vehicle).
    • You must bring at least a pilot and an engineer along for the ride (Jeb and Bill for instance, why not Bring Bob as well?).
    • The excavator must be recognisable as a machine intended to dig holes in stuff, although you can make it HUGE if you like :)


    • KAS / Infernal Robotics are fine, probably the easiest way to do this. That's how I did it.
    • FAR is fine.
    • No physics/mass hacking mods.
    • NO CHEATS, No debug menu.
    • Part clipping is OK for the excavator for aesthetic purposes.
    • Part scaling mods are basically OK I guess, just be reasonable!
    • RCS is allowed (because a excavator is tricky to drive on the Mun, trust me).
    • This is a "for fun" challenge, just enjoy the silliness of it.

    Naturally, KSP lacks the ability to actually dig holes in the terrain, so you must get creative with your digger in order to prove it's worthiness.

    Once you've got your machine landed safely on the Mun, take a few funny snaps to send to your friends on Kerbin as postcards.

    No leaderboards for this at the moment, just do something amusingly extravagant.

    Here's my attempt... (Jeb standing on the Backhoe, Bob in the front loader, and Bill having the time of his life pulling the levers in the cab!)


  3. Is it cheating if you jettison all wings, engines and tail and use a parachute to land? If not, then 6:24...


    I'll leave it to the judges.

    This is getting seriously difficult, The more engines you put on the heavier it gets and then you're back to square 1.

    Juzeris, what is your preferred trajectory? I was climbing at 10 degrees until I'm at about 3500m and then fly level until near the island and then crash dive at it, but I don't know how efficient that is. 6:24 is the absolute limit for my crappy aircraft though.

  4. I am going for the not entirely subtle 1941 Koviet style.


    Started out with a photo-shoot on the launchpad, then pasted in the lettering and the KSP "retro" logo. Posterize filter on the main image, then added some blur, then some HSV noise and finally desaturated a bit to make it look old and somewhat faded. Took about 45 minutes in GIMP. Had fun with this one.

  5. I have just made a plane with 29 Ion engines and over 9000 solar panels (I didn't count them). It put a wheel on the island runway in 6 minutes 38 seconds. I will not submit it as I cannot get the bloody thing to stop without 10 sepratrons to act as brakes to make it stop.

    In any case. I shall attempt to land Juzeris's latest plane. He can build great planes and I can land them. It seems that the reverse is not true :)

    Watch this space.

  6. These "Humons" or whatever they are called are stupid looking. They have tiny heads and walk in a ridiculously unrealistic fashion with their long, gangly limbs and don't get me started on the silly pre-occupation with junk food. No bipedal life-form could walk so smoothly with such tiny brains, either.

    And another thing! There is NO chance they they could survive the brutal accelerations required to depart from that half-baked planet of theirs. Which is clearly a rip-off of our beloved Kerbin by the way, and not even a subtle one.

    It is a very foolish game and I for one refuse to play it!

  7. If I drop my ship from a height of 3 inches, that's still an impact right?

    I think you'll have to provide some ground rules for this challenge. :)

    For instance, what is the minimum acceptable vertical velocity at impact. Are wings allowed? Are cheats allowed? (believe me, people will cheat unless you tell them not to).

  8. !!!NEW BONUS TIME!!!

    I've added a new bonus guys, this one should make it easier on our graphics cards :)

    Turns out that Bill and Bob found a way to drain jet fuel out of a Mk1 LF tank and refill it with ice cold beer and still be able to use the kryo-storage system in the tank to keep the beverage fresh even during re-entry.

    Gene was suitably impressed and ordered an even bigger shipment, but because he was drunk forgot to change the delivery address. So now there's a huge heap of Mk1 LF tanks on the runway. You guys know what to do.

    Check the first post in this thread for details.

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