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Everything posted by Warduk

  1. Hi there, Maybe someone just have told early, but I just discover that I can "jump to ship" to an asteroid with KAC, just creating an alarm and "jumping to". Normal tracking station doesn't allow that.
  2. I just recieved this kind of contract, plus "facility for at least 18 kerbals". I'm crying in a corner.
  3. Rockets! and it is fun, and ROCKETS again and:
  4. "NASA's plan for an off-world colony: a floating city above Venus"? http://edition.cnn.com/2014/12/23/tech/innovation/tomorrow-transformed-venus-blimp-city/
  5. Interesting article about SLS: http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2014/12/08/orion_and_sls_time_to_rethink_nasa_s_direction.html
  6. Hi there, I got the same kind of contract, but with Skipper engine. Can I activate the engine before the ship reaches escape velocity? I think not, Skipper it's a huge engine just to carry to above the atmosphere.
  7. Apollo-like ship for a Muun mission, Jebediah in the "Eagle" landing ship, turning-on the engine for controled landing, the ship starts to spin due bad design, Jeb died. You will be missed J . Idea for an Add-on/mod/whatever: "Kerbals' Killed In Action Memorial Wall"
  8. Actual rockets = 20th century technology + 17th century science. I do not expect travel to Mars or space mining are economically viable with current technology AND science, the amount of machinery (weight) necessary is enormous.
  9. More violent than I thought, but the precission to land was perfect.
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