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Everything posted by 3dogbrew

  1. Volcanix, what the HECK? I just saw this Basic Aircraft Design -Explained simply with pictures in the footer of your post. Why didn't I see that before? Thus concludes my 3rd post and I should now be free of the Super Secret Squirrel (Curious George) bot prevention detention! I've proven (hopefully) that I exist! :-P -mod edit: yes, yes you have-
  2. The text editor has the hyperlink icon in the toolbar (the globe with the chain link). It lets you highlight text like this, and specify the URL that the text should link to. The link goes to the Delta-V map found in Pecan's tutorial
  3. Post #1 for me. I purchased the game on Steam about 2 weeks ago and just yesterday successfully added several of the available mods to it. Toolbar, Navball enhancements, B9, NEAR (after playing with FAR), Procedural Wings, Mechjeb, the entire suite of Klockheed Martian stuff, and KW Rockets. Learning the proper way to add mods was by far the most steep learning curve I've ventured into, it took nearly 3 days for me to decipher the instructions and get them installed correctly. Now that I've surpassed the NOOB stage the instructions seem obvious, but the call on the forums to standardize the mod offering was striking a chord with me at the time. After reading through the forums for a couple of days, I'd have to say that this is the most helpful game community I've ever seen. Congratulations to those that make this forum what it is. I've bookmarked things like Pecan's "Exploring the system-A Design Tutorial campaign" and Wonderfound's "Kerbodyne Scattershot" as my next ventures. One question I have is if there is a primer on "action groups" with some examples that someone has a link to. I think I know what they are, but I'd like to understand more about how to create them and see some examples. I tried searching the forum, but without knowing exactly what I'm looking for it's hard to "pluck the gems" out of the extensive search results. Thanks everyone, I'm really enjoying this adventure (I'm reticent to call it a game because there's no way to beat it or win) 3 Dog
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