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    Curious George
  1. I mean it's a bit early days, both for the mod and the game in general, but it's playable and very fun. I had a decent amount of challange trying to pin point land a probe on duna... ended up getting close enough and rolling it along it's side til I was in the right area
  2. Hi Cheese. Thanks so much for this mod, this is the perfect level of difficulty and new adventure I am looking for after being a long time KSP RSS player. I've made it out as far as Jool and trying to set up comms relays (as per the mission), and I seem to be hitting a bug with the solar panels and alignment. I have a clear path to the sun but the solar panels report being blocked by Jool. See screenshot for example https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014777693/screenshot/2278325040150853682/
  3. This seems like the relevant part (and the end of the log file while it's hanging).
  4. Yup, and installed through CKAN so all dependencies should be taken care of anyway
  5. I'm getting an infinite hang on loading the reactor, any ideas why?
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