Mission: After passing the Mun, a KSP Spacecraft has been lost in orbit around the sun, it has no fuel left to attempt to return to our planet on it\'s own so we have decided to launch a rescue mission. In order to rescue the ship you must match their orbit as close as possible within 24 hours. Rules: 1) You must match the altitudes within 10,000m 2) You must match the speeds within 100m/s 3) You must have a mission time of no greater than 24 hours at the time the orbit is matched. Personal Note: This is my first challenge (and first post) on these forums, and it\'s actually a follow up to my own Mun mission gone totally wrong. The reason the mission timer is at 351 days is that I was trying to return to Kerbin under my own power before finally giving up, so I\'m trying to see if anybody can rescue the crew of my little ship. Good luck everyone. Edit: Just noticed how similar this is to Operation: No Kerbal Left Behind from Panichio http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4468.0. Sorry about that, probably should have looked around a bit more . Anyways, there are some differences so I think I\'ll leave this one up for now.