Unity Player [version: Unity 4.5.2f1_9abb1b59b47c] Unknown caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module Unknown at 0033:044c0000. Error occurred at 2014-08-07_105056. C:\Users\Ahmed\Desktop\Mods for KSP\KSP MOD\KSP_x64.exe, run by Ahmed. 88% memory in use. 8008 MB physical memory [933 MB free]. 10008 MB paging file [977 MB free]. 134217728 MB user address space [134211930 MB free]. Write to location 044c0000 caused an access violation. Context: RDI: 0x37fda1b8 RSI: 0x37fe2040 RAX: 0x00000000 RBX: 0x31295e50 RCX: 0x37fe2040 RDX: 0x00000001 RIP: 0x044c0000 RBP: 0x0016e110 SegCs: 0x00000033 EFlags: 0x00010202 RSP: 0x0016e0c0 SegSs: 0x0000002b R8: 0x00000800 R9: 0x00000000 R10: 0x31340030 R11: 0x91c201af R12: 0x0016e520 R13: 0x04464d48 R14: 0x00000000 R15: 0x00000001 Bytes at CS:EIP: 80 80 80 7f 80 80 80 7f 80 80 80 7f 80 80 80 7f Module 1 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\xinput1_3.dll Image Base: 0x00400000 Image Size: 0x0001e000 File Size: 107368 File Time: 2007-04-04_195422 Version: Company: Microsoft Corporation Product: Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® FileDesc: Microsoft Common Controller API FileVer: 9.18.944.0 ProdVer: 9.18.944.0 Module 2 C:\Fraps\fraps64.dll Image Base: 0x6dbe0000 Image Size: 0x00034000 File Size: 186552 File Time: 2012-08-30_072014 Version: Company: Beepa P/L Product: FRAPS FileDesc: Fraps FileVer: ProdVer: == [end of error.log] ==