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Everything posted by 01010101lzy

  1. 0.2.6 doesn't have 1.1 support, and that's the point. Please wait a few days until I release 0.3.2.
  2. @CrzyrndmGot the bug fixed. I have placed the mirror check in the wrong place... ---- One more bug spotted: when clicking the Launch button, the plugin failed on vesselList.FirstOrDefaults(vs => vs.vessel == vessel).isUpdated = false and freezes the game. Any idea about it?
  3. Got it, I'll try to fix this. I can't make it working in 1.1.2 either. I'm trying to fix it, but bugs appear at all times. If some errors do appear in the debug log, you can post it here.
  4. @Crzyrndm I have met a big problem. After manually merging your updates into mine and compiling, I found that no part is being loaded when the mod is installed. it says
  5. For the new features it brings, you need to put the B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings folder into Gamedata, with or without the original B9PW installed are both okay. For fixing the flipped controls, you need to delete the "mirrorRefAxis" line in configs of procedural wing B/C and use wings that have the same top and bottom texture. That line means the wing should be flipped when mirrored, and it may cause wings that have different textures on top and at bottom having different colors on each side. It doesn't matter a lot though.
  6. I've noticed this issue too. Unfortunately it seemed that there is no fixing method except deleting the mirrorAxisRef= line in each config for now...
  7. Crzyrndm is updating in his github repo, and Bac9 is underwater now(((
  8. If you use the wing with symmetric texture and delete the "mirrorRefAxis" line in each wing_procedural_X.cfg, it should be behaving correctly. This is the only fix available now..
  9. Okay I've tested with the MirrorRefAxis deleted and the rotation worked well.
  10. So now I am working around my B9 PWings Modified mod, and found that in 1.1 the direction of rotation of control surfaces is inverted in one side (See pic below, by @qromodynmc who is trying to pitch up) Aero calculations are correct in the picture. Do anyone have any idea about it?
  11. I think I would get a fix out this weekend, but I'm not sure. I'm probably going to be busy with my mid-term exam in a few days, so I'll fix it asap.
  12. @Svm420updated to 1.1 compatible and changed angle snap to 1 degree! Pretty sure you'll love it aside from 1.1
  13. In 1.1 I found the class ApplicationLauncher has disappeared, so where does the launcher toolbar button go now? Alright I have found this: Requesting for deleting my post.
  14. There's currently no way to re-implement the upper limits with the current build, but I'll add something to help you with this after I finish working on making this compatible with 1.1. If you want to re-implement the limits you can try changing the DrawField method into DrawLimited in line 2440 and 2441, and change the limits. About the angle unit, I'll change it as soon as this mod is compatible with 1.1. Thanks for supporting and fly safe!
  15. Personally I think we need to have a k-sized flat "shovelnose" nosecone in order to make unmanned k-sized spacecrafts...
  16. Not really. There's something wrong with the control surfaces, but for wings it is stable.
  17. Got it. It seems that I have to be dealing with the code for a while... I thought it could be some issues with variables.
  18. So now I meet a problem. Procedural control surfaces changes their offset and thickness to 0 when detaching or picking from part list. @Crzyrndm Where does the problem come from?
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