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Posts posted by EladDv

  1. hello. welcome to the forums, looking from your report it seems to correspond with some other bugs i have noticed in the support sub forum. Can you please provide some more information like pics and save files? also what version of KSP are you running on- or


    also have a look at this thread it might help you

  2. Somebody drag me away from the compiller. It started with recompilling kOS for 1.0.5 (minor version compatibiliy issue due to changes in game files), but now I'm stuck trying to fix the issue it has with handling Rapiers...

    oh no. he has gone into full code mode!!! somebody save him!

    Ok today i was testing some more submarines, trying to fit cruise missiles within them is hard but ultimately possible with enough space, i could conceivably make a nice interior too

  3. I don't even think the drag cubes have a volume in the typical sense. I thought they were just abstract objects that had faces with numbers ascociated to them.

    Lift and drag in water is based on the drag cubes though, as mentioned by Nathan Kell on a stream. But that is for dynamic diving, not static diving by controlling boyancy.

    well if you have 2 faces of a box(orthogonal ones) you could calculate the volume of the box. but i dont know how exactly he is calculating buoyancy, that would be useful for subs, I can also assure you that it's not by the dimensions that are displayed in the editor since for my subs to work it would take over 1K mT to sink but i got it with a third of that

  4. Also, buoyancy has a 1.2x scalar, so effectively Kerbin's ocean has a density of 1.2t / m^3.

    That means for a 2.3m^3 tank (i.e. of FL-T400 size) you need 2.76+ tonnes.

    how are those things calculated exactly? the dimensions of the craft on the SPH/VAB or something more complex(probably drag cubes)

  5. Squad received data that indicated that most of players time is spent on Kerbin. So they've decided to make a plane and water simulator.

    Personally, I think they should have taken that data as a hint that they needed to enable easier spaceflight options (such as Manuever and DV planning) and provide more gameplay on other planets.

    no i dont think so. if it was so they would have just make a full on water physics system and get some more rover and sea parts. that update to the water was purely nathankell's idea and the devs rolled with him- he found it fun working on the water after he tried a minor bug fixing pass so he kept on with it (paraphrasing NKs words on KSPTV with kophy). They are surely planning on overhauling space and do all kinds of stuff with space stations and new parts and textures and all heck- they added core heat for much more interesting stuff in the future to be possible like nuclear reactors and central heating and all kinds of stuff i can think about. let me assure you they are not abandoning space they are overhauling it drastically it's just that they are so taken up with the U5 update and all the new physics that broke

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