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Posts posted by flamerboy67664

  1. Once the first test release of this mod is released, that's it. I'm going to upgrade to 1.0.4.


    I just remembered I made a Jupiter III analog (Inspired by AndyMC's Orbiter versions, which is inspired by TeamVisions Jupiter III design)

    with dtobi Space Shuttle Parts External Tank and stock SLS parts for a dual-moon jump.

    The plan is to send a jumbo to Munar Orbit, then the Mun-Minmus lander, then the Roluos CSM (Orion analog with Aerojet Kerbodyne) and an Exploration Upper Stage into Munar orbit. After the whole stack is in Munar orbit, the lander lands, and flies back 2 days before Mun-Minmus transfer window. Then, the lander docks with the Jumbo-64, then the Roluos replenishes, then the EUS refuels the remaining fuel on the jumbo tank. Then, transfer burn as usual, lander lands on Minmus, flies back, discards EUS, then Roluos powers the stack home.

    Sadly,all of those dreams have failed to be realized, as the rocket undergone Rapid Unplanned Disassembly, while flying the Big Three to space. Greatly, the Aerojet Kerbodyne escape tower did it's job greatly.

    PS. I suggest Roluos as a name for one part, either the Rocket or the Capsule

    Cheers, SpaceEagle/flamerboy67664

  2. 3.75m Parts:

    -Crew Capsule (3.75m->1.25m)

    -3.75m stack separator

    -Service module (LFO&MP) styled after Orion, possibly after the earlier Orion designs where the entire service module is the same width)

    -Service module engine

    -Full length hydrogen tank (orange)

    -Half length hydrogen tank (orange)

    -Quarter length hydrogen tank (orange)

    -3.75m heat shield

    Benjee, please, never ever make the CEV Service Module the same width as the CM. I like the modern ATV-derived SM. And also, for us MPCV fans, can you add an alternate option for MPCV-Style Solar Panels instead of the Constellation-style Circular panel? But then it's all you to decide, just add some little add-ins for MPCV fans like me.

  3. That's not what the advanced boosters will look like, its just a generic depiction from when the Advanced Boosters Competition was still (technically) on. The SRBs will be ATK's "Dark Knights" four-segment composite solid boosters of the same basic dimensions as the current five-seg SRBs. Most depictions show them with a tapered nose cone and unpainted dark-grey.

    But I like the looks of that "Generic Booster" more than the Dark Knight's looks!

    Cheers, flamerboy67664/SpaceEagle

  4. Thanks!

    I animated the impact myself, using GIMP:

    First, having set up the asteroid to land at a certain point, I made a kerbal look at that point, and activated the first person view from a mod I've got. Then I photographed the asteroid on the way down.

    I looked at some artists' impressions of lunar impacts to get some idea of what it should look like. I set up everything in Gimp, and a folder to export frames to. Then I put everything together in a new Gimp image, made some more adjustments to achieve the lighting and shake effects, exported it, and uploaded one rather large GIF to Imgur.

    The crater is also a special effect, edited in from a different part of the Mun

    Also, an announcement:

    I will get back to this eventually, but Life + Uni = busy. Also but in order to keep it possible to keep going, there must be some budget cuts dividends to make sure it is sustainable. This will probably come from reducing post production, editing, and part size. I'll still do the small things, and include what effects I need to properly tell the story, but try to be a little less perfectionistic about the whole process.

    Also, if some one has a good stock-like IVA texture, could you please PM me, or send a link please?

    Oceans of Eve will return around late May.

    As some photos have already been taken, I will not be using the new female kerbals until chapter three.

    Aaaaand it's now June.

    Cheers, flamerboy67664/SpaceEagle

  5. I just have to say: KSOS is partially working for 1.0.2. All dependencies have been updated. The only thing that needs work right now is the Flight Model/Stock Aero tweaking of the KSO 1.8 and EWBCL, Chopper and your trusty shuttle will be good.

    (PS. Use this patch for Klockheed Martian Gimbal: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55985-0-90-Space-Shuttle-Engines-%28Dec-27%29?p=1881389&viewfull=1#post1881389)

    Cheers, flamerboy67664/SpaceEagle

  6. I have so much trouble assembling rockets/planes with this new Node Direction thingy. Accompanied by the Buttons not working bug (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117273-BUTTONS-AND-VAB-NOT-WORKING-Version-1-0?p=1874137#post1874137) Kerbal is now unplayable.

    I propose our dear grandmasters at Squad to immediatly take action upon this by doing something in the Node Direction (remove?) and releasing a hot-fix patch.

    Cheers, flamerboy67664/SpaceEagle

  7. You could always make the panels compatible with tweakscale to get the desired size. This works already with the Gigantor XL Panels to make a decent third array for the Mir Core Module, although I long for a specialized part for it. :wink:

    Nice mission, but why are you using the Mk 2 Tantares? It looks ugly compared to the new one, and hogs more texture space (I think). Also, why make a bootleg Block D instead of using the new Block D parts?

    Do the old parts have some secret power that nobody knows about? :huh:

    Lol, I made that mission long before the Tanta-Revamp

    Cheers, flamerboy67664/SpaceEagle

  8. With ISS as a reference, zvezda panels are definitely bigger than zarya's ones ( http://spacenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Unity-Zarya-Zvezda_STS-106-e1425514440356.jpg ) about their exact sizes I have to investigate deeper. :sticktongue:

    I wanted to share with you guys my " super amazing zond adventures " as KSP 1.0 is coming soon, we will have new ( and maybe more versatile ) fairings but in the meantime I still got troubles when I use procedural fairings to craft kinda real-ones looking fairings.. especially for the zond !


    three zond and UR-500 PROTON wasted in the name of the cosmic conquest.

    As always, hail beale for the right stuff ! :D

    I like much the actual solar panels, the catch up the vanilla flavour of the game like no other parts, as you plan to revamp them, may I suggest you a darker " ocean blue " tone ?


    'Was thinking of something like this, darker but still not too eye catching.

    And you have b8ted by Tantares-Knond 7K-M1

    Javascript is disabled. View full album

    Craft file, komrade?

    Cheers, flamerboy67664/SpaceEagle

  9. And I spent way too much time playing around with Kronal Vessel Viewer to showcase my Angara build (uses ABLaunchers parts as well).


    What mods did you use (other than TweakScale ((for rescaling ABLaunchers 2.5 tank)), Tantares, and TantaresLV and ((for KVTK)) Aerojet Kerbodyne?)

    Also pls I am drooling those grey fairings pls pls put iy up as a download.... :P

    Cheers, flamerboy67664/SpaceEagle

  10. It needs a little more detail in order to look good, maybe windows or a hatch. Also, you might not have heard, but utorrent has packaged a bitcoin miner in it's download, so you might want to switch to something else.

    I planned to make the hatch a texture only. And in utorrent, I do not use it for pirating. But thanks for the warning.

    Cheers, flamerboy67664/SpaceEagle

  11. Here, I started making a new licence


    Version 1, March 2015

    Copyright © 2015 Bien Vincent Balansag <[email protected]>

    Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
    copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
    as the changer does the things below


    0. The software is released as freeware and may be used by you only.
    1. You must charge another user a maximum of $0.50 to make them eligible to use the software
    2. You own the profits. It is not required to pay back the profits to the Original maker.

    That might be good for buisnesses, like here in the Philippines (so many internet cafes here than make users pay to use the computer)

    (PS I outlined that licence from the WTFPL)

    Cheers, flamerboy67664/SpaceEagle

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