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Everything posted by iZakky

  1. dude take it easy on the kid LOOL
  2. no its not minimus because that moon was on the other side of the planet while i saw that, and also minimus cant rotate that fast (it rotated like 3 per sec)
  3. THE dragonfly frone is not built to fly in space or even at that altitude :/ it has a jet engine and it can only be viewed from kerbin's surface. and no it didn't seem way off because it looked like it was orbiting kerbin while rotaion really fast.
  4. Once I was messing around with the dragonfly drone that I downloaded from youtube ( it doesn't go to space), until I saw something weird in the sky rotating pretty fast, I thought it was a derbis pulled by the blue sphere, but when I searched in the tracking station for anything in my way, nothing came out. Here's a preview: http://prntscr.com/4dpbhs another: http://prntscr.com/4dpbn1 what the heck is that for god's sake :sealed: By the way, no mods are installed.
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