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Everything posted by gesture68

  1. Hello, Perhaps it's been asked before, but is it possible (or perhaps can the mod be extended) to have Kerbals control robots? At this point, robots can only be controlled by KSC, but I would like a vessel containing a Kerbal to move into range and have him control the robot! This would make landings of robots on planets/moons much easier when using a lander/command module configuration! Greetings, Gesture
  2. Good job! I'm also still looking for a way to make the device blow up buildings as well, but again I can't find it in the API.
  3. Yes. Although I'd rather have liked the explosionforce to cause the damage, I could not find the impact of explosions in the API code. So what I did was find ALL parts within the explosion radius (calculated within a sphere) and make them explode.
  4. Thanks for the possitive reactions. You can check it out by pointing the cursor on the vessel, it will show (most of the time, in purple) the vessel distance. Just remember to add some meters for safety. Although it is possible I might add a distance readout in the future! **EDIT** The new version 1.1 now has an indicator for safe EVA distance in the detonator window!
  5. Hi Kerbaleers, I've created an explosive new mod called KerTex (as in Semtex). Attach the device to any part using KAS, click on the device, set the explosion radius between 1m and 25m and press the BOOOM! button to detonate (mind the safe distance!). Any part or Kerbal within the explosion radius (EVA safe distance is 5x the explosion radius) will explode! It's intended to be used with KAS, and should therefore be placed AFTER launch, and not during editing in either the VAB or the SPH, although it can be done. I've set the maximum temperature of the KerTex (or K-Tex for short) to only 150 degrees, so it will explode pretty easily. If you don't want to use KAS and attach it during editing I advise you to change the maximum temperature in the part.cfg. Dependencies: * KSPApiExtensions Highly recommended: * KAS (Kerbal Attachment Systems) Recommended: * Universal Storage Versions: 1.0 : Initial release (18-oct-2014) 1.1 : Added an EVA safe distance indicator in the detonator window (7-nov-2014) 1.2 : Support for KSP v0.90. NOTE: Since this mod uses KSPAPIExtensions and the latter is not yet updated to v0.90, you'll get an incompatible warning during the loading screen. This can however be safely ignored. Get the mod at [Moderator removed defunct website link]
  6. Hello, Someone found out how to destroy / make buildings explode in c#? I'm building a mod that should be able to do that... I've tried it as a gameobject from the part collider and then part.explode, but it has no effect. Greetings, Gesture.
  7. Try to 'research' the part first through the science tree, it's probably a newly added part, but it's not yet activated in the science tree (there will be a number above the particular group in which the part should be researched). Then re-index the Part Catalog and it will give you the part and no more error. Greeting, Gesture
  8. You are absolutely correct, I didn't notice the version text in the mod. Somehow I downloaded v0.8.0.4 i.s.o. 0.9pre4 ... Perhaps it was curse that gave me the wrong version? After looking at 'other downloads' in curse, I could download the 0.9pre4. It now works great! Thanks. Greetings, Gesture.
  9. Hi there, I'm using the pre4 and when I do an EVA, immediately all resources are depleted for the Kerbal and everything goes red! I did use the default settings for EVA (EvaDefaultResourceAmount = 43200), but that doesn't seem to work... I'm using the following mods: - Karbonite - 000_Toolbar - B9_Aerospace - CommunityResourcePack - Kerbal Engineer Redux - FAR - Firespitter - KAS - RasterPropMonitor - Infernal Robotics - ModStatistics - Final Frontier - OpenResourceSystem - DockingPortAlignment - PartCatalog - Procedural Fairings - RemoteTech2 - ScanSat - TarsierSpaceTech - TAC (off courser) Any conflicting Mods? Why is the TAC immediately depleted on EVA? Greetings, Gesture.
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