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Lhathron the Elf

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Everything posted by Lhathron the Elf

  1. I feel really bad about this but... I just realized your location is "Somewhere beyond the sea." I love that song so much.
  2. Welcome! I was actually surprised at how many people here were not American when I first joined the forum actually... Anyway, glad you're enjoying yourself. EDIT: Why the hell did I say welcome...
  3. Are you in the 'Burgh? If you're my neighbor...
  4. I was going to do this once. Then I got bored and blew up the administration building. Yeah... I'm not a patient person.
  5. I have four. Serious Business - a sandbox for my serious stuff Da Boss - a career in which I have gotten my brother to finally play KSP Don't Know What To Do? - a science save for when I'm bored Business - a regular career save
  6. Is that the list of Kerbals you've killed? ...Just kidding... ​Welcome!
  7. My friend and I have this joke about Snapchat and how we once saw two people "Snapchatting" each other while they were sitting right next to each other. Thankfully I hang around fairly educated people, so nothing really stupid... But one thing I did hear, which is not exactly related to space (but still funny) is something along the lines of, "The sky is blue because light from the sun shines on the oceans and it reflects onto the sky."
  8. Hmmm... Could you post a picture of when this happens? I'm not quite sure what is happening here. Also, do you have Remote Tech installed? It might just be a comms issue.
  9. I will do the same thing I do every version... Wait, you say this is 1.0? This calls for a change of pace!!!! This is a milestone!!!! This is a moment to celebrate!!!! *opens game* What now? There's nothing new to do..... OH WELL!!! *repeatedly crashes* *breaks game* *starts game again* *tests new aero* *crashes all of the airplanes* *rage-quits* *starts game again* *flies to the Mun* *realizes there are resources under me* *uses KAS and HyperEdit to Hyperedit a mining part to the mun and puts it on the rocket* *flies into Mun orbit* *runs out of fuel* *leaves it in orbit* *REPEATS ALL STEPS*
  10. Wow. I was initially questioning the song choice, but I see now it was perfect. Great job!
  11. Welcome to the forum, stranger. Glad you could get answers to your questions. I was writing responses when I realized that you had already been answered. By the way, Kerbal Engineer Redux calculates a lot of stuff for you if you don't want to do all that work. See you around! And remember: any landing you can walk away from . . . probably ended terribly, but at least you walked away from it!
  12. Michael Bay would love some of my designs. Others he would scoff at and walk away with a spaceplane exploding conveniently behind him. 'Nuff said, I think.
  13. You get a flat tire and immediately look around to see if you have an engineer.
  14. At night I fall asleep thinking about how to design my next rocket. Also, a couple nights ago I had a dream about flying a really weird looking probe into Duna orbit.
  15. I'll be fine with whatever happens, but I think the best course of action would be polishing what we have now. Then whatever you need to add later you can add and then polish afterwards. But for now, make the game smoother and minimize the number of bugs. It would be better to squash them as they come out of the cracks then try to reach through the floorboards to get them or just letting more and more come out before you exterminate them.
  16. I find it funny that someone's even suggesting this seeing how many people are/were angry about SQUAD integrating mods like Spaceplane+ (even though Porkjet did join them.)
  17. See ya, Starwhip. We'll all be missing you.
  18. Granted. But your house burns down along with the book. I wish for October to be the eighth month instead. (We can just skip ten and have two eights.)
  19. Welcome! I hope you enjoy the community here as much as I have. See you around!
  20. If I had a better computer I would totally download this. This is fabulous.
  21. Welcome! You should enjoy it here: this is one of the best gaming communities you'll ever find. Hope to see you around! And remember, any landing you can walk away from.... Probably ended terribly. But at least you walked away from it!
  22. I usually just write who planted the flag, for what reason, sometimes what the vessel was, and sometimes the time it was planted. That's pretty much it.
  23. Welcome aboard! You're just in time (sort of) for 1.0, too. Have fun! Remember, any landing you can walk away from... probably ended terribly. But at least you walked away from it!
  24. I told you! Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line! But seriously, what sort of confusion did I suddenly evoke in you?
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