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Everything posted by Leszek

  1. The only time I indulge in this is for my communication satellites. I call those the Kommstilation series. Because why not?
  2. Back in the day RAM had to refresh itself at regular intervals. Basically some forms of RAM will forget what is stored if you don't periodically renew their contents. Well before overclocking was a word you could change the refresh rates of your RAM and improve system performance. Eventually you would set the refresh rate too long and the system would become unstable. I am not sure exactly how it is done today but that particular tweak isn't something I have come across since the 80's. I recall it was tribal knowledge that too much ram would slow your system down due to refresh overhead circa Windows 95 but I don't know if it was true or just a technical urban legend. It could have even been a false holdover from a time it was true. People around that time would also do things like park the hard drive. The drives about the Win95 era were already self parking but many people insisted on manually parking the drive. Now-a-days, I expect the younger people here don't even know what I mean by park the drive.
  3. KJR was the cause? Well glad to know! This bug was killing me. Dead. Just knowing where the cause is makes me want to jump for joy.
  4. I have made a simpler one, I will post in a minute, I got rid of everything but the KW parts and greatly simplified the ship while keeping the issue. Screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o9u8uya0r6qs058/screenshot26.png?dl=0 Craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8v1ezg2q28jcq2i/Apollo%20test.craft?dl=0
  5. I will get that craft file when I can. In the mean time: Stage 10: LES, is attached directly to the command pod, root node at the top. When it activates via staging it decouples and fires its rockets. (It is from Tantares but it operates like the FASA ones.) Stage 9: First pair is radial decoupler for the boosters. Then 2 pairs of hidden Sepatrons. Then 2 Pairs of fairings. The fairings are the nosecones on top of the boosters. They jettison to reveal the sepatrons. Stage 8: 2 pair of farings. They are higher up in the stack and cover the lander and service modules. Craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8jh175umd1fovrq/Apollo%202.craft?dl=0 Mods: KW Rocketry: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51037-0-25-KW-Rocketry-v2-6d2-Available-0-25-Compatibility!-16-10-2014 Tantares (Just the base not the LV pack): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81537-0-90-Tantares-Stockalike-Soyuz-and-MIR-14-1-2-Crew-1-25m-Pod-Revamp-3! K-P0110: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/221052-k-p0110 Procedural Fairings: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/39512-0-90-Procedural-Fairings-3-11-manual-shape-controls-%28December-17%29 Remote Tech: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83305-0-90-0-RemoteTech-v1-6-3-2015-02-06 I don't know that this next mod matters but just in case: Kerbal Joint Reinforcment: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55657-0-90-Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement-v3-1-1-1-15-15 Few: Sorry if I am being a bit of pain, I figured this would already be figured out by other people before now and wasn't really prepared to do a full bug report. KER is an awesome mod and I can't really play without it.
  6. Lets try this then: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lmslcxr4xo5nku4/screenshot24.png?dl=0 Stage 10 is the LES. If I move that stage around it has no effect. The top of the screenshot is the next stage after the issue, after that stage we have an Apollo style lifter. There are lots of Monoprop and other resources up there that are on the other side of a decoupler.
  7. Onion staging doesn't have fuel lines. Unless I am mistaken, if it did have fuel lines it would be asparagus staging. Please correct me if I am wrong. So if I understand correctly, in the screenshot (I edited the last post while you were responding.) I posted, there are sepatrons under the fairings of the boosters. When I separate the boosters the fairings fly off and the seps fire. Since the boosters as liquid fueled and not solids, the sepatrons are causing the issue?
  8. I came here to see if there was an answer for this same bug. I should have made a screenshot in case it wasn't a known bug but oh well, if needed I will post one later. I have noticed this same issue on many ships. If you make Onion staged ships it activates often. I am not sure what exactly the trigger is since not every onion staged ship shows this behavior. In general though I know that you need: 1: To have onion staged engines. 2: The boosters have to light up at the same time as the core stage. To complicate things, you can adjust the thrust limiter of the various stages to find how long the boosters burn. First you have to set it up so that the center stage will burn out first if at full throttle, then by adjusting the limit of the center stage you can divine the rest. The burn time will go down as you increase the center stage throttle limiter and then stop changing as you hit the burn time of the boosters. Somewhere internally KER knows what is going on, it just doesn't show the core as a separate stage. Edit: Decided to add screenshot anyway since I am already in KSP.
  9. They have said that they will be doing optimizations. That is the only choice as Windows 64-bit KSP is dead, has been dead. I realize that there are many win 64 KSP people who refuse to admit it but that horse has been beaten to death and good riddance. For the OP, Squad has said that many "long standing" bugs have been squashed as well. So 1.0 is a confirmed bug killing release also.
  10. No one is saying "stop trying". The thing is that there are very GOOD reasons to still be sceptical. Granted it might work, but there are lots of people counting chickens before they have hatched, heck before the eggs have been laid. This device was thought up by some mathematical voodoo that didn't work. (That is why no one can say how the engine works now.) This means that parts were thrown together and a working device was made completely by accident! Think about that. You go into your garage and throw some parts together and try to accidentally come up with an internal combustion engine, or a jet engine. Not impossible, but completely fictional effects have been discovered and confirmed in multiple labs before. I present to you N-Rays http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N_ray So while the device might end up working, don't hold your breath and don't be so quick to defend it. When the device has undergone some more testing it might be vindicated, but probably not. There is no unreasonable scepticism here, only healthy scpeticism.
  11. One step Alashain intended to say but missed, the sentence "Then right click on the docking port." should read something like "Then right click on the docking port, and click control from here."
  12. 6:03 PM Eastern is tomorrows launch time.
  13. As of right now the upper air winds are still red. They are assessing the situation constantly. - - - Updated - - - I guess we will know in about 5 minutes
  14. Ok good to know. About the drivers, I am using the ones that openSUSE used during OS install. Yesterday, I installed the AMD ones and it destroyed my linux, made steam complain, and KSP wouldn't work. It took half a dozen re-installs of the OS to get it working again because well I don't know exactly. Long story short, I have dual AMD 5770's and I am not sure I want to touch the video card drivers again. I seem to have bad luck with Linux, every time I touch it, the simplest things become a battle.
  15. I recently attached an old hard drive to my computer and installed Linux on it. WIth some difficulty I was ultimately able to get Linux/Steam/KSP to work. I have noticed a bit of a performance hit. While the game is still very playable, it definitely doesn't get the FPS the windows version does on my system. Not sure what I can do about that. But anyway on to my question: When I run KSP using the x86_64 I don't see anything in the lower right on the start up screen to indicate that I am actually running the 64 bit version. It looks Identical to the default I get when I run from steam. Is this correct or am I getting derped somwhere?
  16. The thrust limiter doesn't go down to 1%, it cuts off at 5 and drops to 0. Unless that is a mod that does that. Anyway that is what I do sometimes, also I might use the RCS to make a maneuver like that. Back to the topic, I can't wait for BTH pictures. I wanna know what pluto looks like!
  17. My first few orbits are normally 85x85. Which is what I selected on the poll. After that, when I get the gravioli detector I start at 85x85 as well. Some of this is because one of my first orbits are collecting EVA reports from orbit and the lower faster orbit makes it easier to cover all biomes in two orbits. After that my normal parking orbits are 110x110. My space stations are normally at 200 and 300 fro station science mod reasons. My boost to put the Komstilation geosync sat network up starts at a parking orbit of 300 to get an almost exactly 1/4 turn boost to geosync orbits.
  18. ^^This In addition, you don't need a docking port on the rover itself. If you plan to leave the rover behind you can put the docking port on just on the ship and then attach the rover to the port. Ninja'd
  19. If it traveled past a black hole perhaps. The thing is that gravity for the most part acts on all parts of the ship equally. So as it passes a planet, the ship feels nothing but its course has changed. The only way passing something will wreck you is if there is a steep enough gravity well that the gravity is noticeably stronger on the one side of the ship than the other. So for best results we are talking about a large ship that isn't very sturdy passing close to something with lots of gravity that itself is dense and small. So not doing any math here, perhaps a large truss or frame ship made for travel only in space passing close to say a neutron star. The comet Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 broke up when coming closer to Jupiter, but this comet was held together by its own gravity not by nuts and bolts. A ship would have to be of weak construction indeed to suffer the same fate.
  20. I think Kinder Surprise is banned in the states. That is what I heard. (Let me know if I am wrong Americans.) I am a Gen X'er and I had and still have a model railroad. HO when I was little, N scale now. I still have an ATARI 2600 in the attic and about 40 games. I remember having to look up books in the library using an index card system! If I wanted to know the mass of the Earth or Venus or anything else, it was to an encyclopedia, and I don't mean a wiki, I mean a bunch of freaking books. And if we wanted to take those books to the class room, it was an uphill walk! BOTH WAYS! Young whippersnapper! Now get off my lawn!
  21. The Intel HD 4400 is the on CPU video card. It is low end. Laptops with a discrete GPU's often are set to use the CPU video card most of the time and switch to the more powerful card when playing games. On my laptop (MSI Gaming laptop) the power light changes from white to red when using the Nvidia. For some games it didn't change automatically, as my laptop has an Nvidia card I go and change it so that it opens automatically for those games. Since you have a Radeon, you could do something similar with catalyst control center. The icon for that is either in the right click menu on an empty desktop, or in the bottom right by the time. It is a good idea to see if you can find what the indication is on your particular laptop regarding what GPU it is using. Before I knew my power light changed colours I would think the game was lagging when in fact I was on the CPU video.
  22. There is also the memory limit. I am running windows and the 32 bit KSP. My game crashes due to memory already even with ATM, but it is still playable. I would like to add visual enhancements, I used to use them all the time. I miss them. But then I would have to bump ATM to aggressive and or loose some other mods. They can't just make every mod stock, no Windows users would be able to play.
  23. I normally use Mech Jeb or KER to set my orbit. I set my AP at 2868.7 KM and burn until my orbital period is 6 hours. I can get to well under a 5th of a second accuracy. It takes on the order of 250 days to notice any drift with that, and only if you have other geo sats to compare it too.
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