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Everything posted by p0p1

  1. hello everyone. Currently looking for a combination of planetary mods that I like, currently I have installed JNSQ 1X scaled + kcalbaloh. I have also installed Scarerert 0.70 and EVE redux. Hope the game runs stable.
  2. I have more modules installed: -Near ( all in) -Station sciencie -mechjeb 2 -crewmanifest -figaro -Karbonite -Tweakscale -Magicsmokeindustria -crossfeedenabler -modulemanager 2.2.1 Early in the game, a sign tells me it's incompatible with my version of KSP (0.2.4). My OS is Win 7 64 bit and all the time the game is crash Thank you very much for your help
  3. crossfeedenabler no compatible with my KSP KSP 0.24.2 Modulemanager 2.2.1 WIN 7 64 bit ( crash crash crash crash ... ) where is the problem?
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