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    Spacecraft Engineer
  1. Even if artificial gravity doesn't do anything, it was good to know how much we need to spin a ring space station, to feel more realistic.
  2. Tem sim, po. Vc só precisa ir liberando aos poucos as funcionalidades do Mechjeb
  3. Bom.... tem um uso sim... Serve de pista alternativa pra quando a gente ta voltando com uma nave de órbita, e passa direto pelo KSC. Nota: No hangar dessa base tem peças das primeiras versões do KSP ^^
  4. I tried to do everything a read here, but I'm still getting black screen on the load screen, and no words on the main menu.
  5. E o mais importante, é que esse gelo todo tá orbitando em volta de Saturno. Se fosse um objeto só orbitando tbm não cairia, apesar de ser meio absurdo um objeto só contornando um planeta xD Acho que só o planeta Kuat de Star Wars mesmo pra ter isso kkk
  6. Esses efeitos de giroscópio, o peso exercido no ponto de equilíbrio não é o mesmo com o objeto girando cheio de efeito ou com ele equilibrado parado em cima do eixo? - - - Updated - - - Até onde eu sei, esse experimento do giroscópio caseiro com a roda de bicicleta, se vc pendura o ponto de apoio num barbante, girar a roda a 70.000 rpm (se é que é possível kkk), e cortar o barbante, a menos que os raios sirvam como pás de uma hélice, a roda vai cair do mesmo jeito.
  7. Oi? o.O De onde surgiu isso de algo girando perder peso?? kkkk
  8. Só não quebra se o anel estiver girando tbm
  9. Nunca aconteceu comigo, mas achei lindo o pouso :3
  10. I tested the GN Drive mod and... well... is more OP than I expected... I was expecting that you could use the thing to levitate and get in to space, but still use engines to get in to other planets, for questions of efficiency or difficulty to produce fuel for it, etc... And of course, not so powerful like that thing.
  11. I did thought that about the warp drive mods. But if it could very difficult to get, in resource and tech tree, I think it could be fun and expand our horizons to spacecraft and stations desing. Would be the kind of mod to play with others star systens or just for fun in sandbox mode... And I am a completely noob about creating mods... So.. I wish know how to do this, but I don't =( - - - Updated - - - ....And talk about space fighters manouvers systems... Is there some mod that automatically fire RCS to cancel sideway slips to maintain the prograde vector always forwards?
  12. This mod adds just engines, but no kind of reaction controls to maneuvers... - - - Updated - - - What I was suggesting would be much more simple than this. Would have only 2 new parts, maybe anothers to generate and hold some resource, like exotic matter from Alcubierre Warp Drive or anything else. And will let us to implement in our own criations.
  13. I know this mod. I also give him this suggest in his thread. But that repulsors only works in contact with the ground. We can not use to fly around anywhere, neither bring star destroyers to space...
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