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Everything posted by bigred

  1. Check out the video: NASA's Resupply mission to the ISS goes awry. http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/nasa-s-antares-rocket-explodes-shortly-after-launch-1.2816259
  2. Hi, this may seem like a silly question, but... how do I go about building a 6 wheel rover? You see, since I I locked the science parts that allow me access to various sets of wheels and the rover base I've been mystified as to how to add more than two wheels to the vehicle, seems that I can only add a pair of wheels in the center of the rover base and all other wheels come out at angles. Did I forget to add a piece?
  3. I launched a Kerbal to the Mun for a South Polar Landing. The only glitch during the mission was that my outer fuel tanks refused to separate upon launching from the Mun even after setting off the command to do so. In any case, this meant that I need to make some EVA walks to gather the research from my various experiments. Not an easy task and I was nearly marooned during one of my walks, made it though, but just by a bit. Here are a few pics I took during the mission. I landed in the ocean far off from the KSC. Gathered around 450 science points. Overall a good mission.
  4. That's right, I added the reaction wheel as "insurance" to make sure the plane wasn't too unwieldly. In addition it did have the effect of compensating for the lack of control surfaces, which is an important thing not to leave out. Back to the drawing board!
  5. Hi, I'm relatively new to KSP but have quickly grown to love this game so much. Despite finally getting the ha g of landing on the Mun and gathering as much science as I can one activity that eluded (or I jsut avoided) was plane building. So here is my first Jet plane that actually worked and flew pretty well. There you go! Fun to fly and see the sites around KSC.
  6. This is great, really great. Thank you Zylark and the rest. I'll give it a go soon. This game is just awesome fun. I really like your setup, my main problem is just that, getting something in the air and in orbit efficiently with enough fuel. Fuel overall is my biggest challenge in KSP, as in never having enough. Thanks again, My next challenge later on will be rescuing a science probe that didn't quite make it and is stranding in a large elliptical orbit around Kerbin, I'll wait until I get the Grabber unit and a few other tech improvements before attempting that though.
  7. Jebadaiah Landed on the Mun, great success. However, My lander doesn't have enough fuel to get back to Kerbin, How would I go about rescuing him off the surface of the Mun? I don't want to lose my most experienced astronaut. Could someone draw up a rescue mission with a rocket/ship fit? Thanks! N.B. > I am doing a stock career, no mods.
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